LUNCH & LEARN { Live Training } Science of High Profit List Building
Allyn Cutts
We take good companies and make them great by identifying the best marketing practices to grow and scale their business.
Look, we've all had our fill of hype and misinformation… and bought barrels of slimy-snake oil from "coaches" who have NO money, but are desperate to sell you their new secret system.
And I'm not impressed by academics with degrees but no real-world experience.
That's why my due diligence these days is so excessive.
I need a mile of proof and a mountain of evidence before I'll even glance at some new sales strategy or money-getting marketing miracle.
I'm more suspicious than the postman delivering mail to a kennel.
But there's one thing that still gets my attention.
Hard-core SCIENCE…
…That PROVES there's a better way to leverage my time and efforts.
So when I hear about a legendary multi-million-dollar email marketer who promises to share strategies for seizing good old-fashioned PROFITS from my lists…
...While saving me TIME, MONEY and FRUSTRATION...
…You better believe, I LISTEN!
That's why I've brought in Daniel Levis (aka, The Email Alchemist) to show you exactly how it's done.
He's going to show you how to build your email list quickly, and use it to generate real profits and long-term customer loyalty at our upcoming webinar...
In this powerful and timely training, Daniel promises to show you...
>>> What the Internet Marketing "gurus" won't tell you about building a highly-profitable email list, FAST (scary, but true - most simply don't know)...
>>> How to generate between $3 and $16 per subscriber from your list every couple of weeks - while most of the above mentioned "gurus" are happy if they get $1 per subscriber per month…
>>> The 6-step "acid test" for creating irresistible bait that instantly compels people to give you their email address and permission to follow up (including, the crucial list building secret that helped make Gone With the Wind the top-grossing film of all time)...
>>> The "Secret of the Trojan Horse": How to almost immediately recoup the time, money, and effort you invest in building your list... so you can get to profit quickly and make money now…
>>> Plus, how YOU can rapidly go from being clueless about selling with email to email marketing wizard, regardless of what you sell... even if you flunked high school English!
A tall order, I know.
But what if what Daniel has to teach you is NOT just the same old tired tactics?
What if it was actually anchored in REAL SCIENCE - namely, the science of human behavior and what really makes people whip out their wallets and buy?
What if the strategies and techniques he'll be sharing have already been tested and PROVEN in the real-world lab of experience and abundant profits?
In fact, what if you could really take what Daniel teaches you, and then…
>>> SET UP a high-performance lead capture page and autoresponder system for converting cold traffic into warm leads…
>>> CREATE irresistible lead generation magnets that pre-sell your new prospects, and high-converting "money pages" that close the deal…
>>> LEVERAGE the 3 easiest and most profitable traffic sources to flood your lead capture page with high-probability prospects…
>>> COMMUNICATE with your list for immediate sales, sustained engagement, and long term subscriber value!
Well that's what's coming up FAST.
Then mark it on your calendar so you don't forget, because the thing about Daniel is... he is NOT one of those "sham" experts.
He's DONE it, knows HOW to do it, and has PROVEN there's a predictable pathway to wealth… with a list of successful clients and students circling the globe, in just about every imaginable market.
Also, don't worry if you've fallen for the marketing hucksters in the past.
We all have… but this is about SCIENCE!
I'll be soaking up these powerful strategies right along with you.