Lumpy Mail
Mike Beckman
I'm Not Your Average Pen Guy. . . MASi Master Advertising Specialist PPAI Fellowship PPAI Pyramid Award Winner
Selling today is a lot harder than it used to be, your prospects are being bombarded with more distractions and messages every day. Breaking through the static and getting their attention is difficult to say the least. The first thing you have to do is win their attention to get prospects to know your brand.
Promotional products offer you the advantage of not only gaining their attention but in keeping it for days, weeks and even years. Promotional products were ranked the #1 most effective form of advertising to prompt action across all generations. What this means to you is, no matter what the age of your target prospect you can connect with them with the use of promotional products.
It goes beyond just sending them a pen or notepad, what you want to do is create a theme and tell a story with your introduction. By tying in the right promotional product, you can create an anchor with this product that creates a connection with the prospect and they with your message. This connection is made again and again every time they see or use the product you tie into your message.
A simple “bumpy” mailer or a custom mailing will get that connection started. Bumpy mailers are just that, envelopes that are bumpy from the promotional product inside. Everyone opens a bumpy mailer, it’s like a box of Cracker Jacks, you have to see the prize inside. Custom mailings can include special boxes or packaging that help present a more high-end offering.
Some mailers can incorporate what I like to call Anchor Cards, cards that contain a message or offer that you want to convey to the recipient. We tie the promotional product to the message, this way every time they use your “gift” they will remember why you sent it to them. This creates a more powerful connection than simply adding a letter and the item.
For higher-end offers, you can opt to go with custom packaging like the examples below. Here we created custom boxes with messaging on the inside and out. Anchor cards were utilized with these mailings as well. The one in the middle even included a sound card that was activated when the box was open, even the promotional item was used as part of the introduction. The item featured was a voice recorder that each salesperson recorded a personal message on and a note inside requested the recipient simple press the Play Button.
As you can see from both styles, you can do a lot more with promotional products than just hand them out. You will make valuable connections, connections that will keep you in touch with your prospects and clients long after they open their mail.