On Lumos Staff: Paige Rogers

On Lumos Staff: Paige Rogers

I have always felt that working in operations is the equivalent of Alfred’s role supporting Batman.
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He tinkers away on the Batmobile, helps him stay GDPR compliant and sews up the costumes.

I love the behind the scenes problem-solving that makes Lumos run.?I am motivated by finding ways to help simplify how we carry out work and processes so that my colleagues can use their time and knowledge to further our aims to improve the lives of children.

I’m most proud of my year spent as a mentor for Chance UK, it was rewarding to support this young person in defining his challenges and setting goals for overcoming them. I learned more about resilience and Fortnite than I ever expected to!

?I have a bushcraft qualification, and therefore am an excellent person to get lost in the woods with.
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My favourite British pastime is a long ramble through fields, attempting to pet sheep (still haven’t been successful), followed by a pub lunch. Unless its raining, in which case, all bets are off on both fronts.

