LUKSO Blockchain

LUKSO Blockchain

1.?????What is Lukso?

“A big reason why we are creating LUKSO is to open the blockchain to everyone”

-???????Marjorie Hernandez (Co-Founder Lukso)

?LUKSO is developing an ecosystem for the new internet era, known as Web3, that incorporates fair and equal relationships between users and services.

Blockchain technology enables users to truly own and transfer digital assets on the internet through a cryptographically secured network of independent computers around the globe.

Use cases for decentralized public blockchain networks are rapidly increasing. To meet this demand, the following fundamental issues surrounding current architectures need to be solved:

·???????Standard blockchain networks suffer from over-occupancy.

·???????Users must directly pay for the fees that sustain the network.

·???????Assets and accounts are cumbersome to manage and easy to lose.

·???????Accounts cannot hold personal data or refer to static datasets.

·???????The data contained within assets is not verifiable.

By developing innovative standards deployed on a new state-of-the-art EVM platform, LUKSO aims to solve these core issues and deliver a blockchain for the creative economy that is available to everyone and resistant to censorship.


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Marjorie Hernandez

Marjorie is an entrepreneur with a background in architecture, brand development, strategy, and innovation consultancy. For the last 5 years, she has been actively working in the Blockchain space. Before starting LUKSO, Marjorie built and led the EY’s Innovation Lab in Germany, where she got to work on several Business Implementations using Ethereum for large companies. On top of that, she was an early advisor for the IOTA Foundation on a product developed and implementations within the automotive industry.

Fabian Vogelsteller

To anyone familiar with the blockchain universe, Fabian is a known thought leader and innovator. After learning about blockchain in 2013, the former web developer became fascinated with the technology. In 2015 he joined the Ethereum team and immediately threw himself into developing some of the most important technology the network uses to this day: the Mist Browser, web3.js, the Ethereum Wallet and the ERC-20 standard, initiating the global ICO fundraising rush.


Dr Berndt Hauptkorn — luxury fashion enthusiast and President of Europe at CHANEL Europe; Rajeev Aikkara — an customer experience technology & strategy expert and Vice President of Digital Technology at Burberry; David Fischer — whose brainchild Highsnobiety is one of the leading lifestyle platforms on the web with more than 21 million unique visitors


Universal Profiles:

Universal Profiles are interoperable blockchain-based profiles which enable verifiable identities in the digital world. They allow for universal login's that make remembering usernames and passwords a thing of the past, while also giving you full control of all your virtual assets and identity. Universal Profiles simplify the onboarding process to Web3 for users, brands and creators, while also improving accessibility, security and functionality.

Through the LSP6 Key Manager, different levels of access methods can be added, including access to dApps and other environments. Universal Profiles also improve security for users on-chain, as they allow users to react to received assets/tokens (eg. reject transfers) via LSP1 Universal Receiver. Universal profiles make economic and verifiable interactions possible and are the core building block for the new creative economies.

?NFT and token standards:

With LSP8 Identifiable Digital Asset as well as LSP7 Digital Asset, NFT and token metadata inputs are very extensible and smart contract readable. The metadata inputs could also be changed over time, allowing NFTs to evolve post-minting. NFTs and tokens on LUKSO can have multiple creators and inform receivers of assets, making complex smart contract automation possible.

?Transaction relayer:

The LSP6 Key Manager allows for relay transactions, enabling third parties to pay for a user's transaction fees (GAS). Any future transaction relay service can be set to work with Universal Profiles. Since relay services are backend systems that execute users transactions on their behalf, no initial funds are needed for users to use their Universal Profiles.

?NFT 2.0:

In this next generation of NFTs, called NFT 2.0, games and services can utilize this standard to design assets with rich metadata readable by smart contracts. Individuals can also use NFT 2.0 technology to connect assets with new communities and payment streams. For example, accounts could participate in trade profits or unlock additional features based on the hold duration of the assets. This will make NFTs updatable. Another perk of the NFT 2.0 is that eventually you can transfer as many NFTs as you want at once while saving on transaction costs.?


The currency that powers the LUKSO blockchain is LYX. Prior to the main network, supporters can trade LYXe, the token equivalent on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can migrate these pre-launch tokens into full-fledged coins after the network goes live.

LYXe was released with a circulation of roughly 15% of the final 100M supply. This amount consists of ~8% for sales and marketing fees, ~6% from the public sale, and 1% from the Initial Exchange Offering on KuCoin. Since sales never exceeded the first general token sale threshold, the project never introduced a second public sale, and ~14% of surplus tokens were added to the reserve pool.

The distribution plan seen below is not set in stone and can change over time. LUKSO might never release some or most of the supply on the network

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5.1 Foundation

LUKSO is a Layer-1 solution with a PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus protocol.

LUKSO uses Ethereum's core technology stack, including the Ethereum Protocol and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The project could become one of the first networks to use the Casper FFG consensus with the Ethereum Virtual Machine for smart contracts, creating an energy-saving network with a higher transaction speed. The Ethereum blockchain, which still uses the energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) protocol, is in the process of transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS).

The LUKSO Standard Proposals (LSPs) are the ecosystem’s building blocks, implemented with smart contracts. Standard proposals enable developers, groups, and organizations to build interoperable applications on a blockchain network. Anyone can create or combine such proposals in the future to propose more building blocks.

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5.2 ERC725: Blockchain-based Identity

Information stored on blockchains is etched in stone. Smart contracts cannot be changed or expanded upon after they are deployed. Fabian Vogelsteller proposed the modular ERC725 smart contract standard with this problem in mind. The standard introduces contract-based profiles for humans, machines, organizations, or anything else that requires an identity. This profile can be updated and is designed with a minimalistic and modular approach to enable interoperability and future development.

The standard is a base for anything that needs to store public and verifiable information about itself while still functioning like an EOA (Externally Owned Account). It works well for DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), personal profiles, online storefronts etc.?

5.3 LPI’s

LSP0: ERC725 Account

The ERC725 Account is a smart-contract-based profile that aims to increase functionality and user-friendliness within the blockchain ecosystem. It further specifies the relatively basic ERC725 standard by combining expendable smart contract storage with EOA functionality and the ability to verify signatures.

Public profile information can be linked, changed, queried, or removed. Users can also manage the smart contract from multiple EOAs or other smart contracts using a Key Manager, which means private keys will now be exchangeable. It enables the transfer of profile control without revealing your private key, creating room for user-friendly backup systems with multiple recovery methods. In addition, users can manage a contract from various private keys, allowing different brands, creators, and devices the ability to talk as one combined identity or DAO.

LSP1: Universal Receiver Delegate

EVM smart contracts, like custom tokens, are limited in their awareness of incoming transactions, and wallets are unaware of what is waiting at the destination of their outgoing transactions, which could be another wallet or a smart contract. Mistakenly sending tokens to a smart contract that isn’t meant to receive one can easily result in losing those tokens. Blockchains must have safety measures to prevent this and achieve mainstream adoption.

?The Universal Receiver Delegate interface is a standard for message handling that acts as a transaction notification system. The standard allows smart contracts to receive notifications about the details of incoming and outgoing transactions. This system provides developers with a variety of options for programming actions in response to these notifications, such as:

?1.??????????rejecting/approving transaction

2.??????????notifying users or other smart contracts of incoming assets

3.??????????specifying specific assets to reject or approve through a safelist

4.??????????forwarding notification to another smart contract

5.??????????delegating custom actions to smart contracts in response.

?LSP2: Storage Schema

The Storage Schema introduces a unified method of storing information to achieve readability from accounts. The structure is used in many LSP smart contract standards.

As we know, specific kinds of information are stored and treated differently. With the help of the Storage Schema, information is parsable in an automated way, so any app, interface, or smart contract can understand them.

LSP3: Universal Profile Metadata

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Combining the EC725 Account and the Storage Schema enables contract-based user profiles to be readable and writable in a standardized way. Universal Profiles are the first use case on top of LUKSO’s account standard. As already mentioned, they represent interoperable profiles and can interact peer-to-peer with anything on the blockchain. Universal Profile Metadata defines a set of attributes developers can add to an ERC725 Account to transform into a profile with images, names, tags, and descriptions.

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With the help of the key-value store of an ERC725 Account, a predefined set of profile-specific keys are added to the account smart contract to make it a Universal Profile (UP).

LSP4: Digital Asset Metadata

An NFT should have the ability to contain different types of metadata. Digital Asset Metadata defines a digital asset with descriptions, images, and asset files. The standard allows lists with multiple artists, links to extra media footage, multiple variants of artwork, and much more.

A significant issue is how valuable data assets are stored and attached to NFTs. The data represent the NFT is not usually held within the token's smart contract. Instead, it points to an off-chain file on a centralized server, commonly saved as a JSON file.

Full off-chain references have significant downsides. Smart contracts cannot read them, and they cannot be used by any smart contract built around NFTs. Also, the information is linked by a URL (internet address) and is not directly hash referenced, which is a method for cryptographically verifying that the information has not been changed.

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Developers can link several creators to one asset, usually referencing their Universal Profiles, to share credit or get royalties. Other smart contracts can also read such information, verifying the asset's data.

LSP5: Received Assets

There should be an efficient way to trace an address of received assets and display them in the profile or on other services. This standard enables a decentralized way to view the assets owned by a profile, which has only been possible through a centralized service provider that scans the blockchain and displays transactions in a readable format.

The Received Assets standard describes how keys within the key-value store of the Storage Schema can reference the address of assets. The smart contract standard holds an array of the asset's smart contract addresses and an asset map to identify their type. The map also helps prevent duplications of listed contract addresses.

The Received Assets standard within the account could also better the pruning issue, as acquired assets are not only referenced with the transfer but also from the Universal Profile. Storing all received assets is a huge entry point for a new wave of blockchain applications. It dramatically reduces complexity while querying datasets. Typically, services have to fetch transaction histories with an explorer tool or use centralized projects like Etherscan to gain ownership insights of specific addresses. Without those, services usually do not see any information because EOAs cannot store information about owned assets.

Using an API (Application Programming Interface) contains the risk of dependence on centralized services and the potential for error. By storing the assets ever received on-chain, services can retrieve everything from the Universal Profile's smart contract with the Universal Receiver Delegate and Received Assets standards. Websites and apps can be built by directly loading data from smart contracts, allowing truly decentralized frontends.

LSP6: Key Manager

The Universal Profile works to build self-sovereign contract-based accounts in a peer-to-peer manner. The relationships between those profiles come from interactions between individuals and services. A standalone ERC725 Account does not, by default, remove the need for or offer permission management. Users need a way to control profiles through multiple devices and keys, granting applications the ability to act on their behalf and extending control of the profiles through a system of rights and roles. For example, users could restrict account ownership changes to one device, like a secure home computer, while allowing regular day-to-day transactions with their smartphone. Even multi-sig can be put in place to create profiles for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

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With the Key Manager, users can add multiple keys or services to their Universal Profile to execute different actions. The Key Manager standard solves the problem of who can do what on everyone's Universal Profile by checking permissions and restricting specific activities of certain devices or keys.

When using the Key Manager, the Universal Profile does not directly interact with every smart contract or EOA. Instead, the Key Manager smart contract acts as a gate to the profile. The contract checks if the signed transaction has permission to perform the desired action before execution. All keys and permissions are still stored within the ERC725 Account but controlled by the Key Manager's smart contract.

It acts as a permission wall for incoming transactions and allows users to have a more functional, safer, and user-friendly interaction with their profile.

LSP7: Digital Asset

The Digital Asset specification is a token standard for fungible and non-fungible tokens. It is based on ERC20, which Fabian Vogelsteller proposed in 2015 for fungible tokens.

Tokens can benefit from standardized information storage. It provides functionality for sending tokens on a user's behalf and doing batch transfers. Both features will work well with external services. For example, games could manage in-game currencies or assets owned by your profile, and concert organizers could transform or stamp tickets for users. In a way, they can act like you when spending specific assets. Such token management will be an essential part of the metaverse because ownership remains on the user side, and permissions allow for smooth interactions within the ecosystem.

Because fungibility is not strictly defined, it can function as a universal ground layer for tokens. The standard also implements hooks and force transfers. With hooks, tokens can inform other smart contracts about transfers using the Universal Receiver standard, allowing profiles to reject and reverse transfers.

These functions are essential because token loss is a massive problem in today's blockchain space. Users have to deal with the risk of accidentally sending funds to the wrong address and not having the ability to reverse them.

?LSP8: Identifiable Digital Asset

The Identifiable Digital Asset adapts most of the Digital Asset standard's features but has added functionality to allow unique metadata for every NFT in a collection. It comes with the metadata standard, operators, hooks, and force. Users and services can trade, mint, and burn these non-fungible assets over an identification number instead of simple token amounts, making each unique and verifiable.

Unified storage for such uniquely minted assets is also expanded with the Digital Asset Metadata standard. Each NFT can feature its own set of metadata, verifiable on or off-chain.

A Digital Asset NFT can be linked to another metadata smart contract, allowing tokens to refer to their own smart contract logic with customizable metadata. Such new NFTs deliver more flexibility and upgradeability. NFTs can also carry the history of their previous metadata upgrades to simplify fetching processes. In this next generation of NFTs, called NFT 2.0, games and services can utilize this standard to design assets with rich metadata readable by smart contracts.

For example, accounts could participate in trade profits or unlock additional features based on the hold duration of the assets.

?LSP9: Vault

Vaults allow Universal Profiles to store assets and other information in containers independent from Universal Profiles. They can hold assets, interact with other contracts and attach information via standardized storage. The Vault is connected to a profile but can execute, deploy and transfer values to any other smart contract or EOA. Users can permit applications to store data, smart contracts in particular. For example, a game could connect to a user's Universal Profile and store states and items to a specific Universal Profile's Vault.

?LSP10: Received Vaults

The Received Assets standard already keeps track of all assets ever received within the profile. Storing histories fixes the pruning issue, dramatically reduces complexity while querying datasets, and decreases the risk of dependence on centralized services for all types of assets. On top of that, web pages and services can directly load data from smart contracts. The Received Vaults standard now brings this functionality to data stored within Vaults. It shows how many different Vaults you own, their type, and smart contract address.


I do think that the web space and especially the blockchain interoperability is not at the point where we can face a mass adoption. At the Metaverse Summit 2022 in Paris the main goal was the attract the next 100 million users.

But how can we achieve this?

We need Web 2.0 users to interact and use Web 3.0 without them actually knowing.

Therefore, as we just learned, Lukso could help solve this problem.

As the inventor of these new standards, LUKSO is positioned as the first driver of mainstream adoption. If we look back at what has led to the adoption of single standards, like ERC20 or ERC721, we can only assume what this ecosystem of ten well-thought-out building blocks could entail.

With the help of contract-based profiles, a game service can connect to a Universal Profile and be restricted to a particular Vault that the profile controls. The game can store characters, skins, in-game currency, and items. Individuals could even use game items across platforms by having the graphics data for each participating game within the NFT.

As you can see these ten building blocks backing the Lukso network could really help us to ease the still very early and messy Web 3.0.

What’s your take?

Can you see Lukso, if launching their main net successfully, and its native token LYX in the Top 100 Crypto assets (based on MarketCap)?

Nicolas Gemke

Real Estate Consulting @ Deloitte I Web3 Enthusiast I Exploring what’s next

2 å¹´

Thanks for sharing Noe Rieker!

Fabio Mancini

Co-Founder of and REBO | Ex McKinsey, P&G | Forbes 30U30

2 å¹´

Very well written article :)


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