The wisdom of the fathers
So then, because you are lukewarm…I will vomit you out of my mouth. (Rev. 3:16) One of the worst features about lukewarmness is that it takes possession of the soul in such a quiet, respectable way. If the horrible thing had horns and hoofs, and a smack of criminality in it, it would alarm the soul. But, as a rule, lukewarmness of spirit is so decent and well behaved, that it chloroforms its victim and kills him without a scream of terror. While sin slays its hundreds, lukewarmness slays its tens of thousands.?
Lukewarmness will reveal itself in a sort of indefinite contentment with present levels of spiritual life. It may still go through all the outward forms of religion, but it has lost its desire to commune with God and sacrifice itself for the good of His eternal kingdom. It is amazing how few Christians are seriously determined to get beyond their present experience.?
Their lukewarmness is revealed by their disposition to criticize as heretics those who do push beyond. The legalist has suspicions about people who insist they have experienced an inward sense of having their sins forgiven. The merely converted man looks with suspicion at those who insist they have experienced entire sanctification. And those who were once sanctified tend to regard any greater enlargements in the Divine life as bordering on heresy. And so it goes on. Will there ever be any end to the narrowness and the littleness of our minds and our faith??
(from "Soul Food" by G.D. Watson)