Luke 6:12-13

Luke 6:12-13

In these days, we have to pray for wisdom! In the letter of James, the Lord's brother, he writes,?“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally...”?[James 1:5] The context for this request is trials! Since this is a time of almost constant trials, God knows we need His wisdom, more than ever.

As a minister and watchman, I’m often asked what I expect to happen, and what is my advice for it. I can say one thing for sure; the world situation is extremely volatile, with shifting paradigms, and we absolutely must get God's individual and personal wisdom to navigate these last days.

Jesus Himself spent a lot of time in prayer. You might think He didn't need to do that since He was in constant fellowship with his Father, anyway. But it's clear He needed to get away to concentrate on that relationship and to listen carefully and intently. If the very Son of God needed that time in prayer, how much more do we?

Luke reports that the Lord spent all night in prayer before He chose His disciples. Apparently this was a prerequisite for one of the most important decisions He had to make. Take it to heart; important decisions should NEVER be made without committing yourself to God in prayer, and the more significant the decision, the more concentrated time you should spend hearing God's mind on the issue.

Brothers & Sisters, make sure you are seeking the Lord for wisdom in these days, to be led of His Spirit, especially when decisions are before you. Rely on His promise to grant you wisdom generously, as He will to all that ask. Perhaps, in the past we've made bad decisions because we neglected to seek Him in prayer. We didn't ask, and thus failed to receive His wisdom. This time, and every time, from now on, follow the Lord’s example…?LEARN FROM HIS EXAMPLE!


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