Normally, I abhor long lists of anything. In the case of Unconscionable Behavior, we need to be as explicit, detailed, and meaningfully specific as we can, to identify those predator and perpetrator behaviors that need to be recognized, counterattacked, and eradicated from our lives and culture. Decencies enemies are intentionally bad decisions, actions, and negative, often EVIL (to intentionally injure the innocent).
- Arrogance: deciding serious matters without consulting or sometimes deceiving victims.
- Beyond the boundaries of decency, civility, and integrity: your belly button will warn you.
- Blind Eyes: the greatest single enabler of inappropriate, unethical, toxic, and unconscionable behavior.
- Bullying: sometimes physical, but mostly coercive, threatening, embarrassing, and intimidating language; causing permanent emotional and psychological injury.
- Cheerleading: cheerleading the actions of decency’s enemies.
- Defaming: intentionally giving information and data in ways that embarrass, intimidate, and often silence victims or opponents.
- Demeaning: language that intentionally humiliates, is embarrassing, and meanspirited.
- Dismissiveness: intentionally undervaluing other people and their ideas and beliefs.
- Disparaging: deliberate disrespect, sometimes ridicule, often sarcastic.
- Disrespectfulness: acidic, demeaning, intentional denial and ridicule of respect.
- False suspiciousness: lying about facts and evidence, falsely casting doubt.
- Humiliation: intentional degradation of an individual. Intentionally causing fear, embarrassment, and mortification.
- Intentional embarrassment: Amplifying or magnifying mistakes and errors, obvious needless humiliation.
- Intentionally Injurious: done with malice; inflicting permanent, unrecoverable damage.
- Intentionally Irritating: behaviors, language, and actions that agitate and irritate.
- Intentionally Painful: designed to hurt, damage, be unexplainable, and unrespondable.
- Intentionally Victimizing: knowingly and with premeditation; psychologically, emotionally, and sometimes physically traumatizing a human being.
- Meanness: acting with malice, disrespect, and wickedness.
- Negative Surprise: falsely luring someone into a “positive event” when the intention is to embarrass, humiliate, and vilify.?
- Overbearing: domineering, dictatorial, rudely arrogant, overwhelmingly negative, deliberate meanness.
- Overzealousness: excessive negative zeal and/or devotion or diligence.
- Punishing: intentionally punishing abusiveness designed to hurt.
- Ridicule: words, behaviors, and actions that create contempt, disrespect, and often inappropriate laughter or enjoyment of someone else’s pain and suffering.
- Sarcasm: bitter, derisive, or ironic language designed to embarrass, humiliate, and taunt. Jeering.
- Silence: the most common form of turning a blind eye. It’s just easier to ignore or dodge recognizing how toxic unconscionable behaviors and language are.
- Tone Deafness: intentionally failing to recognize, correct, or condemn harmful, disrespectful, disdainful, and often victimizing language, behaviors, and decisions.?
- Unfounded Accusations: careless and often intentionally erroneous allegations which demean, deflect, disdain, irritate, agitate, and are often seemingly hateful and unanswerable.
- Vengeance: infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, violent acts or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person. (
- Victimization: a personal state of psychological or emotional injury that is generally permanent. A state of adversity when a human feels helpless, hopeless, suspicious, put upon, and innocent.
- Vilification: to describe something or someone with overwhelming vileness and villainous intent. Intentionally seeking to harm, mutilate, terrorize, and permanently incapacitate and injure the innocent.
Stay away from, expose, abandon, expel, condemn, cancel, distance yourself, warn others, attack, deny, disconnect, abhor, light up, shout down. Relentlessly attack anyone, organization, political party, politician, religious, bogusfully righteous, practitioners of unconscionable behaviors, actions, deeds, and intentions.
1. Strive to always say nice things about and to each other in private and publicly every day, everywhere. Work at it. Be creative.
2. Avoid saying the two or three divisive, corrosive things we might love to mention every day. Just skip it.
3. Always better to be positive or blah than negative or inflammatory.
4. Keep negative, irritating, needlessly, and intentionally abrasive people out of our lives. Just walk away. Stay away.
5. Happiness is striving to have and help other a simple, sensible, satisfying life every day.
6. Maintain a genuine respect for each other, and others 24/7.
7. Always work to shift the credit for success to each other or others.
8. Be sure your advice is helpful. Before you speak, ask yourself, “Is it worth it?”?*Barbara Lukaszewski 1944-2019
?2024 James E. Lukaszewski
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