The Luddites: Confronting the Enemy Within
Addressing Resistance and Optimizing Technology Implementation in Your Company
by Rafael Montaner, developer and attorney.
In the 21st century, when technology dominates our lives, who could have imagined that some still resist its embrace? Yet here we are, in the legal world, in the old legal world, facing the modern-day Luddites who, like the "Gremlins" of yore, view technology as the enemy within. We will explore how to defeat this internal adversary and transform the implementation of Legal Tech into a triumph.
The Luddites and Their Origin:
"Down with the machines!" cried the 19th-century Luddites, protesting against the Industrial Revolution. It was fundamentally an ideological movement against the implementation of technologies in the industrial process, and boy, did it cause problems, though the outcome is evident. Today, a Luddite is someone who fears technology will replace their work. Don't worry, we're not suggesting they're mythological creatures like the Gremlins from World War II that would dismantle your computers—just cautious lawyers! However, if we can glean anything, it's that resistance to technology implementation is inherent in human nature.
Resistance in the Legal Tech World:
Tradition and risk aversion are pillars of the legal world, particularly for lawyers. Many lawyers, though not all (in the 90s, I digitized all my law school notes into MS Word files on a Macintosh Plus), cling to analog practices and avoid technological solutions beyond email, office suites, and PDF readers. The justifications they come up with to defend their Luddism can be quite comical. Breaking this essential barrier is key to a successful implementation of Legal Tech.
Strategies to Confront Resistance:
Tech Culture:
Imagine meetings where ample space and importance are given to discussing how technology is a cornerstone of the company, its value addition, and the difference between success and failure. However, it will never work unless everyone is rowing in the same direction, but the discussion is framed as sharing a dream, not imposing its use tyrannically. This is how a tech culture is built. Sharing the vision of how technology can free up time for better interactions with clients and personal life is essential. With friendly talks and a shared dream, resistance walls crumble, enlightenment occurs, and horizons expand.
Collaborative Development:
If you have technological geniuses at your disposal, unite them with users. Together, they can identify issues and enhance processes. The result? Incremental improvements that transform the entire legal process landscape, from the first client interaction to the final post-sale report.
If you're contracting an existing service, make sure users are familiar with the product before implementation. Make them part of the acquisition process and show them how it will simply assist them.
Continuous Feedback:
Technological systems aren't born perfect. Constant user feedback allows for iterative adjustments. It's a journey toward perfection that's constructed over time through active participation.
The Vital Role of Legal Ops:
Imagine Legal Ops as the conductor of a legal symphony. It designs strategies, manages operations, and acts as the bridge between legal and tech development departments. Efficient management is crucial to overcoming resistance and orchestrating the adoption of Legal Tech.
Defeating the modern-day enemy within in the legal tech world isn't an easy road, believe me, I've experienced it, but it's a journey that must be undertaken. Implementing Legal Tech is the key to unlocking hidden potential. From improving service quality to enhancing process efficiency, the change is worth it. Technology is an ally, not an adversary. Let's face the future together and transform the legal world into a stage of triumphs.