Is Lucky Girl Syndrome Spiritual Bypassing?
Faith Streng
3rd Generation Spiritual Healer ??? Guiding Visionaries to Peace, Purpose, and Power ??? Psychic Development ??? Joy-Based 1:1 + Group Sessions ??? Digital Courses ??? Mt Shasta Retreat March 26-30 2025
If you haven't yet heard of?"Lucky Girl Syndrome"?it goes like this:
Believe that you are lucky and you will be.
Say that?everything is always working out for you?and it will.
Seems like a pretty simple way to improve your life, doesn't it?
Lucky Girl Syndrome is Gen Z's way of understanding manifestation. Manifestation is the understanding that your thoughts are actually energy, and as we are all energy, our thoughts alchemize to create the reality around us.
So why do people accuse Lucky Girl Syndrome of spiritual bypassing?
The same complaints of LGS are the same that have been hurled at the Spiritual Laws of the Universe/Law of Attraction/Manifesting ever since they trickled into the mainstream, and they mostly come from a lack of understanding.
Like so much of our ancient and deeply rooted texts, this information can get watered down and be taught incorrectly.
Disclaimer: Focusing on manifesting is not for people are actively recovering from trauma. When you are healing from trauma self-soothing should be your only focus.?
In order to beneficially work with the?Spiritual Laws of the Universe?(including the Law of Attraction) you need to be in a grounded and safe space. Which doesn't mean you need to be "perfectly healed" (are we ever?), but it does help to have engaged in some processing already.
People will say declaring yourself a "Lucky Girl" doesn't leave space for feelings like anger or negativity or self-doubt.?
However, I will counter that those emotions are an integral part of manifesting correctly.?
Your rage, your disappointment, and your feelings of unworthiness are messages from your High Self. You are encouraged to face them, talk to them, and give yourself space to treat them as teachers. You cannot ignore or suppress any of your feelings, and sometimes when they become overwhelming the best thing you can do is take a nap. Otherwise, this is the time when we are invited to use our spiritual tools to soothe ourselves into a softer space, knowing that all emotions pass, and that life inevitably changes, if we allow it to.
You need to be in a neutral (at least) state of mind to be able to declare with positive feelings,?"I AM a lucky girl, and I am believing it a little more every day.?I haven't always felt like things work out for me, but I am willing to believe that if I change my thoughts I can change my reality."
If you have deep subconscious beliefs that things DON'T work out for you, and that you're NOT "just lucky" then saying "I'm a lucky girl" day in and day out isn't going to make a difference.?
(If you have tried everything and just CANNOT redirect your thoughts you may have?past life trauma?blocking you. I can help.)
Lucky Girl Syndrome doesn't ask you to deny your current reality, but it does ask you not to get distracted by it. Your reality is more malleable than we have conventionally been taught to believe. Your current experiences are the result of PAST THINKING, so your future is being created by what you are thinking TODAY.
Mind mastery is the key.
Guiding your thoughts supported by high vibrating emotions is the secret sauce to a more magical and divinely guided life.?
It is incredibly exciting to witness a younger generation learning how manifest more joy and opportunity!
The more people who are living intentionally the more people will come together to create collectively!
And THAT is what "Heaven on Earth" really means. :)
Hi! I am a third generation Akashic Reader + Soul Leader! I am available for 1:1 sessions in person or online, classes and workshops, retreats, and my monthly?Cosmic Joy Club.?If you are interested in more content like this be sure to?subscribe to my blog?and follow me on Instagram and TikTok @faithstreng - Visit?