"Lucky Day" - Homebuying Gameplan (recap 5/1-7/23)
The #federalreserve moves rates, again, but there are signs of economic hope.?However, inventory remains the key missing variable to the housing puzzle.? I share a few interesting housing headlines, and advise from one of my favorite heroes on how to ensure you plan for all the details of your home search.? Enjoy this week's Mortgage Market Update…?
Anyone who enjoys these newsletters knows that I learn my most important lessons though the (mostly unintentional) wisdoms my kids spout.?Everything else I learn in life and #realeste comes from educational movies that provide real life lessons. For example, this comedy classic, "The Three Amigos!" couldn't summarize how many #homebuyers experience the #home buying process better:
Dusty Bottoms: Time for plan B. Plan A was to break into El Guapo's fortress.
Carmen: And that you have done, now what?
Dusty Bottoms: Well we really don't have a plan B. We didn't expect for the first plan to work. Sometimes you can over plan these things.
With #housinginventory so low and the #housing market only getting more competitive, many homebuyers are so hyper focused on getting the offer accepted…but, too often homebuyers sit in stunned shock once the lucky day comes with news of the #acceptedoffer.?The first week after the accepted offer can feel overwhelming. On a quick close or in a volitile mortage market, waisted time between the offer and purhcase and sale, can be risky and even expensive.??To avoid the panic of, "Oh *$^+, we bought a house!?!" Work with your homebuying team to build out all the steps of all the plans:
If your personal El Guapo is buying a home this year, build a #homebuyingteam that you are confident can create a well-executed and communicated gameplan.?Following this?step-by-step gameplan will ensure when your lucky day, of an accepted offer finally comes, you are well-prepared to enjoy a smooth stress-free homebuying experience.?
Movement Mortgage, LLC supports Equal Housing Opportunity. NMLS ID# 39179 (For licensing information, go to: www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org) | 877-314-1499. Movement Mortgage, LLC is licensed by AL # 21022, AK # AK39179, AZ # 0918544, AR # 105002, CA Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act # 4131054, CO # 39179, CT # ML39179, DE # 012644, D.C. # MLB39179, FL # MLD1360, GA # 23002, HI # HI-39179 & MS205, ID # MBL-8027 & RRL-9397, IL # MB.6760898, IN # 18121, IA # 2013-0023 & 88883410, KS# MC.0025343, KY #MC85066, LA, ME # 39179, MD # 19094, MA Broker & Lender # MC39179, MI # FR0021343 & SR0020189, MN # MN-MO-39179, MS# 39179, MO # 18-2096, MT # 39179, NE, NV # 3401, NH # 20985-MB, Licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance, NM, Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Banking Dept. #B500997 & B501039, NC # L-142670, ND # MB103223, OH # RM.804187.000, OK # ML002646, OR # ML-5081 & MS-37, PA # 34374, Rhode Island Licensed Lender, Broker and Servicer 20153194LL & 20153195LB & 20153196LS, SC # MLS - 39179, SD # ML.05007, TN # 112748, TX, UT # 7773921, VT # 6862, 39179-1 & 1288 MB, VA # MC-5112, WA # CL-39179, WI # 39179BA & 39179BR, WV # MB-32019 & ML-32020, WY?# 3104 & SL-3790. Interest rates and products are subject to change without notice and may or may not be available at the time of loan commitment or lock-in. Borrowers must qualify at closing for all benefits. “Movement Mortgage” is a registered trademark of the Movement Mortgage, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. 8024 Calvin Hall Rd, Indian Land, SC 29707.?