How has your week been? If you could describe your week in one word, what would it be? For me, it's LUCK (and you're in luck too - just read till the end of this email.)

Earlier this week, I visited the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office to submit my paperwork for a?driving permit. I was excited to finally get it done. However, when I arrived, an officer warned me that their system was down.

"You might have to wait half a day or longer," he said. "I don’t know when it’ll be back up. I heard the news this morning but still came in to work."

I was unhappy. On my previous visit, I was told to return with?my actual ID card, not the temporary one. Now here I was, again, facing with a potential delay and worried my entire day could be unproductive. But I also quickly worked up some plan in my mind.?

I hadn't scheduled any client meetings on the day and brought a book with me. So I could find a nearby cafe and read for the day. With this plan, I felt happy and at ease.

With a big smile on my face, I turned to?the officer and said, "Wow, the system is down and you still show up. You're really hardworking. Thank you for letting me know!"

I returned?to my seat to wait?for my number to be called again. To my surprise, it?was called quickly. I walked to the next counter, showed my paperwork, and was reminded again about the system outage.?

After seeing my documents, the officer said, "Maybe I can do something, because you have already had?this card."

"Oh, thank you. Let's make some magic happen today!" I said.

"And what's your name by the way?"

"Britney," she replied with?a big smile.

"You are a mom, aren't you?"

"Yes, I have three kids."

"Me too! It took me a while and cost me USD 50 to get here and back, since I don't drive yet. And with kids, work and everything in between, every single minute counts. So I really appreciate your understanding and help."

We chatted a bit more before Britney asked me to fill out additional?information and signed a few forms. After a few minutes checking the system, she said, "I can give you the card today. Your card saved you."

I felt so much relieved. "Thank you so much! You really created magic! It's mom?power, isn't it?"

Britney's smile was?radiant and warm, as if we had known each other before.?

MAGIC, right? Britney could have chosen to follow the process and ask me to come back another day. But she didn't. She chose kindness.

If I hadn't trained my brain to be optimistic, I could have reacted with frustration, which would have affected how I interacted with the officers. Instead, my joy and optimism influenced their energy, too. Indeed, they don't owe anyone anything; they just do their job.

This is the science of happiness in real life, my friend. When we feel happy, we'll be in... luck. Luck, success, achievement, dream actualization... are indeed the results of an authentically positive brain.And now it's your turn. You're in luck too!?

I'm excited to invite you to my online workshop:?"Happier Career. Happier YOU" on November 15th.

I haven’t hosted this in a while, but due to popular demand and a bit more bandwidth since my youngest started school (and is happily adjusting!), I’m excited to share this opportunity again.

And you're invited to register and attend if you find this is what you've been?searching?for.

Register NOW - spots are limited!?

If you know any friends who are struggling in finding career (& life) happiness, now is the perfect time to share this opportunity. Many of my clients found their way to transformation thanks to a caring friend who shared this information with them before.

And of course, if you have any question, feel free to reach out - I'd love to hear from you!?

Onwards to Happiness Infinity,

Amy Nguyen

P. S. Sharing with you a little?peace from my?week.?

Morning walk.


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