Lucky 7
It was the 7th day of the 7th month when KnowH2Ow was born. Not by design, but by coincidence, actually. Only when reflecting at the end of this 1st week did I consider the significance of launching with such an auspicious number backing us. By taking a glimpse at the meaning behind 7 around the world, we were surprised by how well it suits KnowH2Ow, with many positive attributes from different cultures.
Here’s my take on Lucky 7.
The number 7 stands for Wisdom, Perfection, Infinity, Relationships, Connection
The number 7 is both deep and wise. It is not satisfied with simple explanations and surface-level information - this is frivolous stuff. It knows that the real gold is buried deeper and won't stop until it finds it ... and then it'll keep digging for more. Asking questions, researching, listening, and sensing are all special skills the 7 uses in its search for awareness.
Number seven symbolises every positive and valuable matter in existence like life, prosperity, happiness, renewal, and perfection. Some numerologists even believe that number seven is so perfect and powerful that it represents a connection to the universe.
In Arabic, ? / ????. (sab3a), also considered lucky, is a metaphor for infinity (yes please!). In the Qur'an, “seven” is a literary device. There are seven Heavens (and seven Hells, oops). In Hebrew, ? / ?????? (‘sheva) is the most sacred number, a symbol of the perfect world, completeness and heaven. The Chinese number 七 (qī) in Mandarin sounds like "even" (齊, qí), so it is a good number for relationships. It also sounds like "arise" (起, qǐ) and "life essence" (氣, qì). We won’t go into the Cantonese meaning though, ahem. Nor that even numbers are preferred (this is a marketing blog, come on).
Mathematicians love 7, a prime number. And did you know that when rolling two standard six-sided dice, seven has a 6 in 62 probability of being rolled (1–6, 6–1, 2–5, 5–2, 3–4, or 4–3), the greatest of any number?
The Sanskrit ???? (sapta) is one of the most popular numbers in Hinduism; related to many spiritual and sacred philosophies, like the Saptha Lokas (seven holy worlds above Earth), the 7 ancient Saptarishi sages, Saptha Rushi mandala (the Great Bear cluster of seven stars (Ursa Major)), and those born with #7 as their birth number are generally known to help the less fortunate. Especially those with marketing challenges.
For me, the number seven also has a personal meaning. It stands for a childhood British hero: Barry “Lucky 7” Sheen and his American rivalry with Kenny Roberts (often #1) - something I was able to often witness at the Transatlantic Trophies as a child on the tracks of northern England.
And so we set forth to bring the power of marketing and communications to water with karma on our side. After all, the Roman Senate, upon the untimely death of Julius Caesar, one of the greatest builders of global water connections in all history, renamed the 7th month after him.
The best of good fortune! From Andrew, Tom and the KnowH2Ow team.