Luck? There Is No 'Right' Time.
Keith Hawkins
Co-Founder @ CaratX ? Founding Creative Artist @ The L.S.H.O. Art Gallery ? Distinguished Creator ? Influential ? Self-Published Author of The Signal Fire (May 2025) ? Proficient Brand Authority ?
There will never be a right time. There is no waiting for the stars to line up right.
There is you. There is your Passion. There is your drive. There is your determination.
There is your persistence. There is your knowledge. There is your ambition. There is you.
Want a business partner? Reach out to people. Want to build a team? Reach out to people.
Want to achieve more than you could ever do on your own? Good. Get out of your way & reach out to people.
Show initiative. Take that first step. You can sit back & wait for that perfect moment to have something present itself. If that's your thought process, well then, pull out that beach chair & order up another margarita, because you'll be waiting a while.
People say oh, but they got lucky. 'Luck' is a very, very simple thing. 'Luck' is being prepared 100% of the time, so when you make that leap, you won't break your ankles.
You can quote me on that.
I know you're tough & capable. You know you're tough & capable.
- K. Hawkins