Lubuto Library Partners' DREAMS girls visit to NIPA's American Corner
Lubuto Library Partners ( is an innovative development organization that in cooperation with Zambia’s education ministry creates opportunities for equitable education and poverty reduction through libraries and their educational, cultural, community and psychosocial support programs. These libraries serve as safe havens and are the center for Lubuto’s programs, which offer discovery and joy through reading, music, art, drama, computers and other activities. The organization also leads various initiatives for the digital preservation of Zambia’s local-language materials and production of new ones, as well as a computer-based mother-tongue literacy initiative.
On the 11th of August Lubuto Library Partners organised a field trip to the American Corner at NIPA where the DREAMS girls where taught computers basics by trainers from Asikana Network
Below is the field trip in tweets and photos.
All in all it was a wonderful experience for both the trainers and the DREAMS girls and their mentors.Looking forward to more of such field trips
The best part was when the girls shared what they would like to be when they grow up.
One can only hope that not only did the girls learn a thing or two but their mindsets and outlook of life have been changed too.Allowing for more positive thinking ,better goal setting and focus.