Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 8
Part 8 - Feminists and Efforts to ‘Liberate’ Women in Afghanistan is Literally Killing IMF and World Bank Staff and Their Children: But Is Nothing More than Collateral Damage for all the ‘Swamp-dwellers’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 1 --- (‘Big-Wig’ PhDs at GWU Need a Wake-Up Call from a Princess & Her ‘Pea’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 2 --- (Intl. Econ. 101 with Robert Dunn in 1985: What Do the Experts Know?!?!)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 3 --- (My Return to the ‘Swamp’ after 20 Years Absence to Find NOTHING has Changed Except the Number of ‘Game-players’ in the Cesspool)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 4 --- (Nouveau-Riche ‘Swamp-dwellers’ and Robber-Barons Descendants Complicit to the Rise of the Fourth Reich Since the Reign of Nancy Reagan in the 1980s)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 5 --- ‘Game-Players’ in the Intl. Development Community Complicit to Rise of the Fourth Reich with Their Global Networks of ‘Game-Players’ in Public and Private Sectors
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 6 --- Part 6 - Dangers of Managerialism, Alpha-Dominance Feminism and Minorityism, Coupled with Affirmative Action
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 7 --- Part 7 -- Good Governing is about the Affairs of the State, NOT the ‘Affairs’ of the People who Run the State: Examined Under RICO and FCPA
Additionally, as I pointed out in my lengthy letter to Lewis in 2017, the son of his predecessor Effie Psalida, Alexandros Petersen (whose father is also a former World Bank economist) was killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul at a popular ‘expat’ café in 2014. And, the MOTOR behind these terrorist attacks and unending violence in Afghanistan is the alpha-dominance feminist influence from the West, with the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) under Eleanor Smeals the MOTOR behind the CHAOS and VIOLENCE with their ‘help’ in ‘advancing women’s rights’ in Afghanistan. That was the same year I spoke with Dee Martin, a Government’s Relation lawyer at Bracewell law firm in DC regarding her assistance in submitting my case, Wilcox vs. Spain, to CEDAW challenging the defense of the Spanish government in Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain, 2014—which is the 2nd jurisprudence on Violence Against Women as Human Rights Violations (VAWaHRV). (Gonzales Lenahan vs. USA, 2011, was the 1st jurisprudence in VAWaHRV. But, whose Lead Counsel, Carrie Bettinger-Lopez, after winning that case CASHED-IN as Advisor to the White House on Violence Against Women under Vice-President Biden!!)
When I spoke with Martin, she admitted that I had impeccably prepared and argued my case for the courts. However, she would require a $20k retainer to submit the case—which of course is ONLY the retainer. The ‘lady’ knows (or should know) that I have been defrauded of my assets in Spain, the ‘state of affairs’ of opting-back in homemakers and the OVERT and rampant discrimination against these women (particularly the ‘upper-class’ whites)—as these are pending cases for the international courts as well. So WHERE does she think I am going to come-up with $100sk on minimum wage jobs?!?!? Does she want me to go and SELL MY BODY by the hour, or into a ‘ladder-grappling’ marriage like so many other women in the CESSPOOL?!?! The manner in which lawyers (and law schools and bar associations) are ONLY interested in CASHING-IN and CASHING-IN with NO concern for LAW, JUSTICE or DEMOCRATIC PROCEDURE is CRIMINAL! And, I want to see EVERY scum-bag lawyer who I have been in contact with (or sent an email to), along with their accomplices, in the past 15 years spend the rest of their lives ROTTING IN PRISON, along with all the ‘professionals’ they are colluding to Protect from all THEIR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY!!! EVERYONE wants to play HARD BALL and LAUGH all the way to the Bank in their TRAFFICKING, ENSLAVEMENT of women and children, as it renders them STATESLESS RIGHTSLESS people—in total VIOLATION of the LAW! Go Ahead! But, they, and their children, and grand-children, are going to be in a Pretty Pickle, when the Tables are Turned!!
Another ‘sacrificial lamb’ ‘socialite’ in the ‘War’ of the alpha-dominance feminists and minoritists to become the New Masters of the Universe, is Ghislaine Maxwell, who is being HELD IN PRISON under charges of ‘trafficking’ under-age prostitutes?!?!? (I have to agree with Epstein. Virginia Guiffre, and the other girls who went to his mansions to give ‘massages’, were ‘unsolicited’ under-age prostitutes—not young children, victims of pedophilia). What about the BITCH LAWYERS and alpha-dominance feminists that are pointing a finger at Maxwell, yet concurrently complicit—and active participants—in rendering women and children in their societies STATESLESS and RIGHTSLESS people, as well as turn women like myself into prostitutes in order to survive, thereby turning THEMSELVES into PIMPS, on top of WHORES who have ‘slept their way to the top’ and Sold their Souls to the Devil for ‘fame and fortune’?!?! The HYPOCRISY and CHAOS that has been created by the ‘Invisible Hand’ of the alpha-dominance feminists, managerialists, minoritists, and affirmative actionists all working ‘together’ has produced the same cabals and factions, which led to the downfall of the Roman Empire.
History keeps repeating and repeating itself time and time again!! Man is the ONLY animal on the planet STUPID enough to keep falling over the same stone time and time again. And, Woman is the ONLY animal on the planet STUPID enough to keep letting them, and even encouraging them, to do it!!! The few ‘big-wigs’ in power, who have some semblance of a BRAIN, need to GROW A PAIR, and start ATTACKING the CACOPHONY of the Narcissistic IDIOTS which control workplaces and ‘Corridors of Power’. All the men (and alpha-linear IDIOT women) in power keep ‘defending’ their STUPIDITY with ‘be positive’ rhetoric. My ex-husband, who went from ‘tripping over stone after stone after stone’ would always tell me “be positive” when he would start with his BULLSHIT ideas. And, I would always respond, “I am POSITIVE. I am positive, your SHIT is going to get us into trouble, and I AM going to have to step in and clean up the MESS!” And, EVERYONE in the ‘Swamp’ (and Swamps across the globe) want to ‘Be Positive’ that their little fantasy land will continue on Forever, and that the Piper will never have to be Paid. All of the Narcissistic ‘preppies and yuppies’ brought up by the Nancy Reagans and Joan Crawfords of the world, and responsible for the Rise of the Fourth Reich in the US with their ‘laissez-faire’ wining-and-dining and pill popping, and production of Psychopathic Millennials and X Gens, who are whoring themselves out in labor markets and marriage pools ARE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKENING when the Nuremberg Trials II begin!
Even Egg-Throwing & Threats to Throw Axes, Can’t Get the Attention of the Egg-Heads in the ‘Swamps’
As I told Ralph Chami and Marco Espinosa of ICD years ago in passing, that when ‘they’ start throwing eggs at you, with others advising the usage of more lethal weapons, you just MIGHT want to start asking yourselves WHY!!!! I had recently found a Youtube video of Mark Lewis while Res Rep of Turkey, who was the recipient of some egg-throwing by students at a university there, when he was on the podium giving yet another BS speech. And, in the comments section below, which included nothing positive, there were suggestions that axes or bombs be thrown at Lewis rather than just eggs. If ALL the ‘big-wigs’ who have a semblance of a BRAIN do NOT come down from their IVORY-TOWERS and WAKE up to REALITY, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT BLOOD-SHED will eventually come knocking at their doors with the ‘raping and pillage’ of their wives and children and homes.
My ex-husband and eldest son, by the Grace of God, were not killed in the bombing of the Nogal Club in Bogota in 2003, and we lived our 6 years in Bogota with a body-guard and bullet-proof car that GREATLY restricted free movement of me and my children while living there. So I am well familiar with the fear associated with ‘security risks’ issues. The security and safety of my children were a
CONTINUAL point of contention and arguments between me and my husband—who like so many expats viewed the ‘security concerns’ and ‘security details’ as nothing other than ‘status symbols’. While no one can describe me as a intrepid, cowardice woman, I am NOT an IDIOT who believes “everything will just turn out fine…” And, if I am alive and still kicking today, it is because I, like God I believe, “do not play dice” with the important things in the world. I am a life-long adventurer, but NOT a STUPID one, like so many others in the cesspool, and why they constantly have to be upping their security detail!!! But, NO amount of weapons or soldiers is going to protect them, because the ENEMY is WITHIN, and will devour them ALL!!