Ltr. to GWU Emperors - 4 - Nancy Reagan & Rise of the 4th Reich in USA
Part 4 - Nouveau-Riche ‘Swamp-dwellers’ and Robber-Barons Descendants Complicit to the Rise of the Fourth Reich Since the Reign of Nancy Reagan in the 1980s
Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 1 --- (Ltr. to Paul Wahlbeck and Stephen Smith, Administrators of the Professor Robert M. Dunn Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund at GWU)
Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 2 --- (Intl. Econ. 101 with Robert Dunn in 1985: What Do the Experts Know?!?!)
Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 3 --- (My Return to the ‘Swamp’ after 20 Years Absence to Find NOTHING has Changed Except the Number of ‘Game-players’ in the Cesspool)
EVERYONE in the ‘Swamp’ wants to side with the CRIMINALS and Fourth Reich supporters who have taken control of the city, country and world in the past 50-60 years (Jim Marrs, The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America). That is THEIR prerogative!! As I told the Greek owners of Kellari Taverna—who are going to have their assets seized, and deported from the country when I finish with them—“I’ll be DAMNED if I’ll let foreigners come in and TRASH my country. My compatriots are doing a good enough job as it is! They DO NOT need ANY assistance from FOREIGNERS, who have destroyed their own countries, and are coming here to do the SAME!! Thank you very much!” The CRAP going on in that ‘workplace’ is the EXACT same as in the IMF, as well as every other place I have worked in (or lived in) since my return in 2009. Everyone wants to play HARD-BALL with the ‘rich, white American woman’—WE PLAY HARD BALL!
Not only am I going to be making an example out of all the foreigners in the IMF, World Bank, UN, think tanks, NGOs and US government agencies in the ‘Swamp’ when I finally bring them to JUSTICE, but also the restauranteurs who are ONLY in DC (and the US) to CASH-IN on the biggest CON-JOB ever perpetrated on Mankind.
I can assure EVERYONE who has discriminated against and bullied me, I DO NOT discriminate! I DO NOT care about your skin color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. If you are doing something ILLEGAL, I want to see your assets SEIZED and your ASSES in PRISON, or Run Out of Town under RICO and FCPA, inter alia. And, if you are HARD-WORKING, HONEST, and HAVE A BRAIN—Welcome to the Land of Opportunity—NOT shopping and more shopping! The same dynamics that are going on in ICD, and elsewhere in the ‘Swamp’ are the same which propelled me to quit the Georgetown ‘Euro Trash’ restaurant/bar Paper Moon (now Flavio Restaurant) in the mid-1980s. Apparently, the place is still owned by the same Lebanese/Italian SOBs, who can answer for decades and decades of labor rights violations going on in their establishments. Under feudal systems the function fulfilled by restaurants (and conference centers) were filled by the ‘trophy-wives’ who had been primped and prime since birth to guide the ‘Invisible Hand’ of social orders (aka ‘Deep State’) and why social-climbing women from the lower classes (all too willing to whore themselves out for a life of luxury and comfort) were prevented from ‘entry’ into the upper, ruling-class. Debutante balls even went out of disfavor in the mid-20th century due to the quantity to ‘nouveau-riche’, social-climbing, uncouth ‘ladies’ (and whores) which frequented them—until they were brought back into ‘style’ and ‘favor’ in the 1980s with Cornelia Guest’s ‘Deb of the Decade’ social media campaigns, with ‘ladies’ like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Ivanka Trump following in her foot-steps.
What all the Fourth Reich builders and supporters in the ‘Swamp’ have failed to understand is that all the ‘Rackets’ they are DESPERATELY trying to PROTECT will eventually Rat them Out. For the past 12 years, while all the ‘Swamp-dwellers’ have been PARTYING and CASHING-IN, I have been HARD AT WORK, researching ALL of the issues, and putting all the pieces of the ‘Puzzle’ together. NO ONE wants to listen because they are too busy partying and trying to get ‘laid’—so NO ONE can say the EVIDENCE against ‘guilty’ parties is NOT THERE! That is THEIR PROBLEM! I can lead horses to water, but I cannot make them drink! Once, the prisons have been emptied of all their VICTIMS of decades of corrupt and oppressive courts, and OUT TO LUNCH regulators, there will be PLENTY of room for all the Fourth Reich supporters and ‘Swamp-dwellers’ when the ‘Cave-dwellers’ come back into POWER in Our Nation’s Capital! What the ‘Swamp’ needs is another Emily Post to bring back some MANNERS and ETIQUETTE, and run all of the whores and their pimps OUT OF TOWN! And, I am the PERFECT candidate for the job.
Trump is correct in his contention that the ‘foreigners’ are trying to take over the country! The ‘women’s rights’ movement of the past 60 years has NOT liberated women—and never has been their intention. The ONLY thing the feminists are concerned with is getting into positions of power, “Having It All,” and “Breaking Glass Ceilings.” THIS is why Hillary Clinton lost the ‘Women Vote’ in 2016—which the Democrats would have realized if Nuchhi Currier, President of the Woman’s National Democratic Club wasn’t such an ARROGANT, IDIOT! That NGO should be investigated for FRAUD, just like all the other NGOs (and universities) in DC! The ONLY thing the Democrats have cared about in the past 4-years is DESTROYING Trump (who did not need any assistance) and WASTING more and more money and resources in telling EVERYONE to Vote, Vote, Vote (for THEM) so that they could take POWER and CONTROL of the White House, as well as Congress—with the American People be DAMNED!
I can assure you femicide and infanticide is ALIVE and WELL in the West (as is pedophilia and rape), with ALL of their ruling-elite covering-up for its existence. I KNOW this for a FACT, because many, many, many of the major and minor ‘actors’ in the cover-up are in my 1st and 2nd range of networks from my boarding schools in Virginia and England, GWU, my time on Capitol Hill, my 20 years of ‘globe-trotting’ as an expat and trailing-spouse, and the last 15 years in my activism work. Linkedin and their documentation of ‘friends’ and ‘networks’ in professions across the board, along with descriptions of the many ‘propaganda’ jobs in the ‘managerial’ cesspool is going to be VERY helpful in tracing the names of all the global ‘game-players’ and how they are interconnected once the Trials begin. Linkedin is going to be looked at with the same scrutiny as Facebook, when their Day of Reckoning arrives. The idea that media outlets need NO more REGULATING than financial markets, court systems, political parties, NGOs, Congress, the President, or anyone else—because they are ALL fine upstanding citizens—is LUDICROUS, and will be the Demise of EVERYONE!