Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 14
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
Part 14 - As the World Turns in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) with Ladder-Grappling, Alpha-Dominance Feminists under RICO and FCPA
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 1 --- (‘Big-Wig’ PhDs at GWU Need a Wake-Up Call from a Princess & Her ‘Pea’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 2 --- (Intl. Econ. 101 with Robert Dunn in 1985: What Do the Experts Know?!?!)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 3 --- (My Return to the ‘Swamp’ after 20 Years Absence to Find NOTHING has Changed Except the Number of ‘Game-players’ in the Cesspool)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 4 --- (Nouveau-Riche ‘Swamp-dwellers’ and Robber-Barons Descendants Complicit to the Rise of the Fourth Reich Since the Reign of Nancy Reagan in the 1980s)
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 5 --- ‘Game-Players’ in the Intl. Development Community Complicit to Rise of the Fourth Reich with Their Global Networks of ‘Game-Players’ in Public and Private Sectors
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 6 --- Dangers of Managerialism, Alpha-Dominance Feminism and Minorityism, Coupled with Affirmative Action
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 7 --- Good Governing is about the Affairs of the State, NOT the ‘Affairs’ of the People who Run the State: Examined Under RICO and FCPA
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 8 --- Feminists and Efforts to ‘Liberate’ Women in Afghanistan is Literally Killing IMF and World Bank Staff and Their Children: But Is Nothing More than Collateral Damage for all the ‘Swamp-dwellers’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 9 --- Even Egg-Throwing & Threats to Throw Axes, Can’t Get the Attention of the Egg-Heads in the ‘Swamps’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 10 --- Implications for IMF, World Bank and UN Spouses and Families Under RICO and FCPA
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 11 --- The Influence of the Narcissistic, Ladder-Grapplers of the ‘Golden Age’ Is Still Alive and Well in the ‘Swamp’
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 12 --- Combating the Narcissism Epidemic, by Fighting Fire with Fire & Manners and Etiquette of Emily Post
- Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 13 --- As Mark Twain Aptly Stated, “An ‘Expert’ is Someone from Out of Town”
As if the ‘shenanigans’ of ICD ‘game-players’ during my 4-year tenure and eventual termination was not bad enough, they later colluded with World Bank staff to have me black-listed from attending IMF/World Bank Meetings, after my scathing review of the policies and practices of these orgs as a Civil Service Society Rep during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings 2016. I WARNED Imel Yu and Katherine Indre-Nelson of ICD in October 2016, when they started denigrating and insulting me (after putting up with it for 4-years in ICD from all of the BITCH, BIMBO secretaries in ICD), that they HAD BETTER NOT MESS WITH ME AS A CSO Rep—because I would see their ASSES in PRISON for SURE! They wanted to crap shoot their ‘liberty’ and all their assets on a ‘moment’ of adrenaline high in ‘ousting’ me from their stupid Meetings, like they had from ICD, and their little ‘club’. They had NO concern for how I was going to survive in a city which openly discriminates against ‘rich, WASP, old-ladies’, particularly if she has a BRAIN and is not willing to ‘sleep her way to the top’!!
These ‘ladies’—along with all the others in ICD, had NO concern for me, and how I was going to survive in a City which OPENLY discriminates against me at EVERY TURN, and with the MOST vicious just frothing at the mouth for me to end up ‘on the street, living in a tent’! THIS in a city which OPENLY favors the whores and pimps, particularly the black and brown ones. I couldn’t believe my ears when Delano Radgman of ICD once said that black men were the ‘bottom of the totem pole here’. I am MORE than qualified to do even his job, as budget director of ICD—as I can go through a budget or financial statement faster than most people I know, and ‘see’ things that often elude others. His job would have been a ‘piece of cake’ for me. But, would have bored me to death—no offense to Delano.
Since my return to DC, I have been doing THE JOB I set out to do when I came here in 2009—to FIGHT for MY RIGHTS! Unfortunately, NO ONE in DC—all the way up and down Penn. Ave., looping around all the ‘tentacles’ of the various government agencies, NGOs, think tanks, restaurants, conference centers, and homes of ‘Swamp-dwellers’ CASHING-IN—is DOING THEIR JOBS, and instead producing CACOPHONY and CHAOS!! And, MY JOB has evolved into CLEANING-UP DODGE CITY, on top of fighting for MY RIGHTS as an American (and French) citizen, as well as litigant in legal proceedings in Spain! However, I do not believe in the ‘Ghandi method’ of living out on the streets to ‘deliver my message’ to the People. So, I have required a job and a roof over my head with wifi access, in order to DO MY JOB, rendered difficult because I constantly have to be moving, and looking for work to survive—as is the object of everyone. My younger sister even called me recently, ‘drooling at the mouth’ over my plight, highlighting that point exactly, and how it IS the End-Game for all the Bitches in my many entourages who have stabbed me in the back in the past 15 years. Of course, all of these Bitches will feign ANY ‘bad intent’, and just say that I am being Paranoid! But, I have WELL documented their Intent, as well as Complicity! Not only would I have made a great private investigator or ‘spy’, but also a GREAT prosecutor, if I had ‘opted into the Game’! But, like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”—I’M BACK!!”
All these ‘game-players’ and ‘Swamp-dwellers’ had NO concern for me, my children, or my research and work, much of which THEY SHOULD be examining THEMSELVES!! Then, they add ‘fuel to the fire’ by trying to ‘SHUT ME UP’—after I specifically TOLD them in Spring of 2016, that THEY had BETTER WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE (see my letter to IMF and World Bank EDs in 2017). I have DONE my DUE DILIGENCE with them, in explaining ALL of the ISSUES (see my youtube videos, because they are all just as functionally illiterate as everyone else in the ‘Swamp’)—which is MORE than I can say about them! So, I do NOT want to hear ‘moaning or whining’ when it is THEY, and their families, who have to PROVE in Court how they are “Having It All” on taxpayer’s HARD-EARNED money.
Imel Yu and her family can go back to whatever country they came from, while the little debutante, Katherine Indre-Nelson can have a nice little stint in the American prisons that she so wishes her ‘compatriots’ to rot away in! 90% of urban black men have criminal records and cannot get jobs—so that STUPID DUMB IDIOTS, like those that infect ICD, the IMF, World Bank, and organizations throughout the ‘Swamp’ can have a corner on the market of the deluge of ‘managerial’ (consultants, etc.) who require the STUPIDEST support staff possible, so that they will NOT realize how STUPID and INCOMPETENT the ‘big-wigs’ REALLY are! And, mothers and wives are being thrown into prison in reprisal for attempting to protect them and themselves from rape, torture, and murder at the hands of their husbands and fathers of their children, like my ex-husband tried to do to me in Spain, and was done to Maria Jose Carrascosa for 8-years in a NJ jail under ‘contempt of court’ charges. (See my HuffPost blog, In Defense of Maria Jose Carrascosa: Rights Are No Rights Unless Protected and Defended.) They will find out how ‘amusing’ their ‘Game’ is when the ‘Game’ is UP!
The STUPID, ARROGANT BIMBOS which permeate ICD, and the IMF, World Bank, Capitol Hill, the White House, State Department, universities, think tanks, NGOs, restaurants, hotels, etc. may change their ‘tune’ after a 20+ year stint in prison when the Nuremberg Trials II are over!! Not only are all the secretaries in the department going to have to PROVE in COURT that they are better in Administrative duties than I. But, ALL the economists, policy-makers, and ‘managers’ in the department are going to HAVE TO PROVE they are more COMPETENT, INTELLIGENT and KNOWLEDGEABLE than ME! All the little ‘games’ of IMFFA board members, and IMF HR, and secretaries, economists and managers in the IMF, particularly ICD during my 4-year tenure there are going to be in for a RUDE AWAKENING when their little ‘protection rackets’ start RATTING EVERYONE OUT!! All these ‘big-wigs’ think it is SO funny all of the assets that are being transferred from women to men by CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT and MISOGYNISTIC courts during divorce proceedings—in TOTAL VIOLATION of the LAW. I do not think they will think it SO funny when it is THEY who have their homes, assets, and children taken from them—in ACCORDANCE with, instead of VIOLATION, of the LAW!
For the 4-years that I worked in ICD EVERYONE complained about the level of MIS-MANAGEMENT from top to bottom—yet actually believe that I am going to complacently be used as the ‘Fall Guy’ (aka Sati widow) so that THEY can keep their cushy and fraudulent jobs. Not only is Sharmini a USELESS ‘manager’ and economist, who understands NOTHING about the fundamentals of international economics. But, she is also a MISOGYNISTIC RACIST alpha-dominance feminist! And, she, along with ALL the other feminists, perpetuating MISOGYNISTIC ideologies about ‘parasitic trophy-wives’, ‘opting-in’ homemakers, in order to marginalize them and ostracize them from workplaces and positions of Power, is going to have to PROVE in COURT that She can “Have It All.” Because, I KNOW for a FACT that NOT ONLY is she, but all the other’s in the Fund as well, are Screwing-up their kids, many of which are doped up on or addicted to all sorts of drugs. The tables will be turned on all of these ‘little ladies’ (and the men colluding to protect them) when it is THEY, and their kids and husbands, which are subjected to psychological testing and drug tests by court systems, and have to PROVE that they are good parents!