Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 11

Ltr. to Emperors at GWU Who are Wearing No Clothes - Part 11

Part 11 - The Influence of the Narcissistic, Ladder-Grapplers of the ‘Golden Age’ Is Still Alive and Well in the ‘Swamp’

In the past 15 years, I have come to realize how AFRAID my mother was that I would enter the political arena, or become ‘successful’ in life (aka ‘rich-and-famous’). I even think the whole LUDICROUS debutante party in 1981 was in some delusional antiquated world of hers (and Nancy Reagan’s) that I would find a ‘rich-husband’ to marry, and then my mother could milk me for money—through his pocket-book, all the while being able to ‘control’ me through my ‘status quo’ Washington white, ‘goy’ husband. My mother was NOT pleased that I was attending a ‘Jewish’ university—even though I did not even realize that GW was ‘Jewish’ and filled with JAPs—which I initially thought stood for a Japanese student. Nor did I care! So, I guess the whole debutante thing was as much to find me a ‘proper’ husband, as well as get me married so I would give up my career ambitions. I had even thought of inviting Harvey Eisenberg as my escort—as he would have been the most interesting person in the place. But, I thought my mother would REALLY flip-out then! So a ‘Croftie’ ‘brother’, John McMann went with me to the different parties, and saved me FROM TOTAL BOREDOM, even though I spared him my mother when she came to DC! 

I do not think my mother worried about my siblings becoming ‘rich-and-powerful’—and therefore someone she could not dominate and control. But, she KNEW how ‘brilliant’ I was, always telling me my teachers said I could have easily been a straight-A student if I put in a bit of effort (and would have if their classes had been interesting, and/or they were better teachers). She would also always tell me that I would NEVER fail at ANYTHING that I set my mind to. So, I am in NO need of a PhD or MBA from and ‘accredited’ university to tell me that I am ‘important’ and ‘know what I know’. And, I can ASSURE the world that just because I ‘set my mind’ to being a mother and caring wife during my marriage—it DID NOT transform me into a BRAIN-DEAD, BIMBO and ‘Stepford Wife’! Who now is SO useless to the social order that she should do the world a favor and commit ‘Sati’ as they have so stridently contended! 

Time and time again in the past 15 years, all the back-stabbing Narcissists (who openly talk to me about their daily and past ‘scams’ and ‘cons’) keep playing the ‘friendly’ ‘concerned’ person who is ‘doing good in the world’ with their careers or ‘charity work’, and ‘wish me great luck in my endeavors and ‘important’ work, but NEVER offer HELP—all the while conniving and/or colluding with others to ‘plan my demise’ due to their all-consuming jealousy of me and my life, compared to their ‘seat-warming’ parasitic existence. I grew up with, and have lived with and around pathological liars and con-artists my ENTIRE life. So, I can spot a ‘CON’, and catch a pathological liar in his or her lies so fast it makes peoples head spin!! Which is my intention!!! I make their ‘head spin’ by calling them out, and questioning every single lie and detail, instead of letting them make MY head spin trying to figure out their cacophony and BULLSHIT! And, for the CON-ARTIST—don’t show them your cards or hand, and keep going with the ‘con’ (without handing over any money) until you figure out their ‘End-Game’ and can BEAT them at their own ‘Game’!!! (Ask my pissed-off, con-artist architect who ‘reformed’ my kitchen in Spain, if I don’t know how to ‘win’ and turn the tables on the ASSHOLES of the world, who wish to SCREW with me or my family!!) I WARNED EVERYONE starting in 2007, MESS with me or my kids, you start a War that you will LOSE! Because I NEVER LOSE, when forced into ‘engagement’! While my rhetoric and writings are John Dickinson all the way. And, I am determined that the ‘Plume’ will CONQUER the ‘Sword’. My life’s story and geo-political trajectories in life are John Paul Jones all the way!  

I was VERY clear in my letter to Sharmini Coorey in November 2015 that my ‘ousting’ from ICD would just throw her, and everyone else in the department in lawsuits under human rights violations for the international courts. However, SHE, like those she is ‘protecting’ are SO sure that all of their CRIMINAL activity is ‘Protected’ by the networks amongst the other ‘ladder-grapplers’ that they can, as Trump said, literally shoot someone in the street in broad day-light, and get away with it. And, she, and all of her ‘supporters’ in the department are correct in their assumption, because ALL the lawyers are OUT TO LUNCH and ASLEEP at the WHEEL—and will end up in prison, with destroyed careers under RICO and FCPA along with MANY others in the ‘Swamp’. It REALLY is disgusting, and shows the HYPOCRISY of ‘Swamp-dwellers’ and supporters of the Fourth Reich, that the Biden/Harris ticket won DC by a LANDSLIDE, while EVERYONE here is colluding to subvert the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and bring a Nazi Dictatorship to American shores—while promoting the rise of other dictatorships in countries across the globe!!     

The reason that social-mobility was discouraged, if not prohibited, in traditional social orders is that ‘ladder-grapplers’ are taught while young to ‘scratch-and-claw’ their way to ‘success’ (aka ‘fame and fortune). Whereas ‘old-guard’ ruling-elite children are taught that with ‘privilege comes responsibility’ and at times personal sacrifices for the ‘greater good’ (aka ‘common welfare’). This is why monarchies as a favored form of government rose up in the aftermath of the Roman Empire, and from which they derived their legitimacy. Unfortunately, they eventually became as predatory and exploitative with their ‘empire-building’ as the Romans they had replaced—beginning with Queen Elizabeth I and creation of the British Empire.—giving rise to the early Puritan movement in England with clergymen such as Thomas Wilcox (co-author of Admonitions to Parliament, 1571, aka The Puritan Manifesto). Fast forward 500 years later, when the nouveau-riche, ruling-elite who have risen to power in the US, Europe, and across the globe have ALL embraced the Narcissism and Hedonism introduced by Nancy Reagan, and ‘Friends’ and perpetuated by First Lady Bushes, First Lady Clinton, First Lady Obama, and more recently First Lady Trump. Donald Trump’s wives are the TYPICAL ego-centric, foreign BIMBOS that white-male supremacists take as wives (and mistresses) who are SO stupid and immoral that they have NO problem turning a blind-eye to all of the corruption and immorality in their midst. I have more respect for Melania, than Ivana or Ivanka, or ANY of the First Ladies who came before Melania. Because, at least she, I believe, NEVER wanted to be in the White House, and all the BS that comes with it! 

My former classmates at Foxcroft, Cobham, GWU, as well as amongst ALL the ‘old-guard’ and nouveau-riche, ruling-elite that I know around the world have embraced the idea that ‘social mobility’ exists so that they might ‘live the good life’ and CASH-IN. When the dust settles from the COVID Pandemic, and the People start demanding ACCOUNTABILITY of those RESPONSIBLE within government agencies as much as the World Health Organization (WHO), which is part of the United Nations, their ‘protection rackets’ and ‘diplomatic immunity’ will NOT save them from the ANGER and WRATH of the PEOPLE! Staffers in their ‘sister’ organizations, from the World Bank and IMF with regards to government and central banks policies and practices in artificially keeping stock markets going up, up, up, and flying away during the Pandemic—will suffer the SAME DEMISE! And, when all the ‘game-players’ within these organizations start FALLING, and start ‘singing’ like canaries, ‘ratting’ out their ‘friends’ and ‘colleagues’—very, very many will end up in prison, where they belong!

One of the problems in the cronyism and nepotism ‘game’ of ladder-grapplers is that they are great ‘friends’ when you have a million-dollar home, or something they want. But, when the ‘going gets tough’, they are the FIRST to ‘jump ship’. One only has to look at Michael Cohen, and how he has hung Trump out to dry, ever since He was used as a ‘fall guy’, to observe how the ‘game’ is played when the tables are turned! Ghislaine Maxwell is apparently still alive, because she has a ‘little black book’ with ALL the names of corrupt, or at least sexually deviant, ‘big-wigs’. But, may very well suffer the same fate as Epstein in prison in the coming months, as the judge again denied bail for her (under the same conditions that it accorded bail for Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2011). I sent her, and her lawyers, information about my concerns and findings in MY investigation into the case in reading James Patterson’s book, Filthy Rich: A Powerful Billionaire, the Sex Scandal that Undid Him, and interviews of implicated actors on the Internet. But, of course, I have not heard back from them, as I would not be surprised if they were just milking the helpless woman of her money, while stabbing her in the back with her ‘defense’. If she survives prison, the woman will have ONE HELL of a law-suit against those lawyers—who like all the rest in the cesspool, ONLY care about milking clients of their money, with their Rights and the Law, be DAMNED!! While Maxwell is perhaps a ‘spoilt, socialite’, and guilty of being rather STUPID, and maybe involved in some ‘3-somes’(?) that does NOT make her a ‘Madame’. The HR departments of the IMF, et al, and their staffers are more GUILTY of being ‘Madames’, than women like Maxwell. And, IMF, World Bank, and UN men are just as guilty to all the whoring and pimping going on as Epstein ever was—and certainly MORE SO than Prince Andrew. Epstein was NO anomaly in the cesspool—just another one of the pimps! These issues were covered in my blogs for Prince Andrew, written about a year ago, Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State' ? - Part 1. But, his secretary, Amanda Thirsk, is no better at reading her ‘mail’ as anyone else!

Will Read all this



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