LTC, SNF and Home Health Access 2014 to Present Medicare Health History
Kris Gates
Let’s Talk Revenue for Preventive Care | #1 Supporter of “Preventive Pay” | Rethink Healthcare to be accessible, affordable, and high-quality
A Medicare health history dating back to 2014 is now available to nursing homes, SNFs, assisted living facilities and home health agencies using an individual or bulk patient request to Medicare.
Upon admission healthcare teams will now be able to view if a patient has received the COVID vaccine or had a COVID diagnosis in the past and drill into details about the encounter.
Regardless of where a patient has received treatment, both in and out-of-network is now available to LTC, SNF and HHA facilities.
- Medications
- Diagnoses
- Procedures
- Specialists
- Emergency Visits
- Admissions
- Re-admissions
- Home Health
- Specialists
- Primary Care Providers
Game-changer for these organizations:
- Better health outcomes
- Reduce staff time and resources collecting health history
- Supplement patient memory with historical data
Kris Gates | 402.321.6188 | [email protected]