ls *.c
Linux is a family of operating systems, open-source and UNIX-based Nowadays called GNU.
We interact with the OS using the command line interface :
To get along with each other, The Linux Terminal understands exact commands. You need to learn those commands and how to master them properly.
ls happens to be one of the most used commands in Linux. It really can make your life easier going deeper into this OS and its wonders. It lists all the files and directories in the current directory. and It can be a powerful tool when you use some magic AKA: options or wildcard.
Using asterisk “ * ”, a wildcard matches any character zero or more times, along with “.c”, we asked the terminal to kindly list all the files with the extension “.c”. This an efficient way to organize your work and focus on what you exactly need.
Digging deeper, After introducing the command the bash, the shell or command language interpreter for the GNU operating system, it starts going thought the directories containing program files to find matches. By using the $PATH variable, which is a list of directories the shell searches every time a command is entered, we can watch how the hard work is done. once the file is located it executes based the options, wildcards and the variables introduced.