Leadership reflections

Leadership reflections

At one of my last meetings, somebody asked me, and it was not the first time, how to become a leader. This question always brings to my mind a workshop and discussion about "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge.

There's no doubt that to excel in any discipline, we need to master two skills. The first one is to keep defining what is truly important to me. Most of us inherently waste a lot of time fighting the problems we encounter along the way, forgetting why we are there in the first place. 

The second skill is to see the surrounding reality objectively and clearly. If we are at a meeting where everyone nods their head and agrees to go ahead with the plan, and we know perfectly well that in all fairness, it is a bad idea, then we cannot go with the flow. 

Only once we determine where we want to be and juxtapose it with an honest assessment of where we are, will we be able to gather strength that could bring us closer to our goal. And it is learning to preserve this strength, this "creative tension", that is most important in personal mastery.

The reality in which we function is a leader's ally, not an enemy. Leaders are insightful, committed to getting to know and understand it better and better. They are part of the creative process that they influence but do not authoritatively impose. 

It is crucial never to stop learning. To be fully aware of our ignorance and the path we should follow. Each goal is only a point in our life's journey. And the journey itself is a reward.

Speaking of learning. Have you read anything worth recommending lately?

#leader #development #learning

Malgorzata Gosinska MBA

Finance Director/Lifelong Learner

4 年

I strongly recommend the short book "Do the work" by Steven Presfield. This book is designed to coach you through a project from conception to finished product, seeing it from the point of view of Resistance

Dear Anna, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. There's a lot about courage, raising your hand and questioning the status quo. As a fan of diversity (including intellectual one) and inclusion, I recommend the book by Dawn Marková "Collaborative intelligence. Thinking with People who Think Differently."

Jakub Orawiec, MBA MDRS

GM and MP restructuring international businesses, establishing startups, coaching teams, managing changes and introducing innovations for a better medicine for human and animal health, independent business consultant.

4 年

True. No journey without learning.

Piotr Kolmas

Strategia ?? Kultura organizacyjna ?? Rozwój liderów – wspieram firmy w budowaniu spójnej strategii, silnej kultury i inspiruj?cego przywództwa, aby osi?ga?y lepsze wyniki i rozwija?y si? dynamicznie.

4 年

A good reminder that the key competence is to deal primarily with really important matters. All the time I find myself doing something that is not crucial to achieving my goals. I often help others achieve their goals. How to change it permanently?


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