LRA And Sweden Tax Agency Launches Institutional Capacity Development Project

LRA And Sweden Tax Agency Launches Institutional Capacity Development Project

The initiative is seeking to build a strong partnership and collaboration between the two tax authorities.

Under the collaboration, the Sweden Tax Agency will assist the LRA in enhancing taxpayer service communication, compliance risk management efficiency, and human resource capacity development among others.

LRA Commissioner General Thomas Doe Nah described the launch of the project as a milestone accomplishment in helping the Authority realize its vision of pursuing excellent service delivery and increase domestic resource mobilization for Liberia.

In remarks, the Second Secretary/Program Officer at Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia Nikolina Stalhand noted that a well-functioning tax administration system and sufficient tax revenues are prerequisite for countries to have adequate resources to finance economic growth”.

She termed the collaboration between the LRA and STA as strategic and important as it is gear toward building a strong and efficient tax administration.

For her part, the head of the Swedish Tax Agency, Petra Jacobsen, thanked LRA team for working with the Swedish embassy to ensure that the project is now a reality.


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