Aramide Kayode
Providing 12 years of Free Quality Education to Children in Low-Income Communities
So here I am, analyzing the Ruth and Naomi story. That story completely avows the fact that every one of that sparkles is surely not gold since Ruth could have taken after Orpah to a commonplace to discover a spouse. Rather, she stayed bound to Naomi. I am flabbergasted at such level of loyalty! Ruth ended up with Boaz (pillar of strength) and evaded meeting a Bozo or most likely a Mahlon (infirmity)
Presently, I ask myself and all of you; how loyal are you to that cause you are pursuing? How faithful would you say you are to that organization? That friend? That superior? That thing or individual you follow? You can get the best only if you are faithful in the worst (I mean, the little).
Recently, I read about the emotional bank account. This is a record of trust and steadfastness. It can purchase and benefit you more than cash will ever do in a lifetime. Esteem people, influence them to feel like they are made in God's image as well. Never look down on anybody. It's just a matter of time and season. You never know whether that cleaner or less privileged or positioned staff or individual will be the main key individual to your survival tomorrow. Try not to run bankrupt in your emotional ledger. Your benefitting will appear to all in the due season especially if it is to the children and faithful servants of God. Win them over; love them, adore them; TRUST ME, THAT'S WHERE YOUR HAPPINESS LIES!
Spanning across the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey; he stated that "You can buy a person's hands but you can't buy his heart. His heart is where his enthusiasm, his loyalty is".
From the little research I have carried out, I discovered that the DOGS are the most loyal creatures. Not to talk of human beings like us that are created in the loyal God's image. Let's brace up and build trust.
Further, I stumbled on this: It is a good read: https://babarahmad.com/2016/05/16/how-to-be-a-loyal-person-a-lesson-from-the-story-of-the-king-and-the-servant/
#wordfortheweek #motivationfortheweek #beloyal #makesomeonesmile