The lower back is easily affected by the kidneys

The lower back is easily affected by the kidneys

How are you? I am Kochi, the founder of Kochi Method.

In Kochi Method we also work on adjustments for organs weakening.

This time it's on the theory of the link between the lower back and kidneys.

The techniques for improving organ condition is taught in Theme 7 of Kochi Method.

The kidneys are closely related to the lower back pain.

When kidneys weaken it shows as discomfort on the lower back.

Which means that in some cases when someone has back pain, nothing is wrong with their lower back and can be relieved by improving the condition of their kidneys.

Kidneys are close to the second and third lumbar vertebrae and can affect the opposite side of the lumbar region.

Organs being cold can also affect back pain.

Below are the order of process done in Kochi Method.

1: In what position does the back hurt?

2: Check to see if the pain is related to organs

3: Do treatments that use the link between uncles and fascia

4: I organs are related do organ treatment

5: Check again to see if back pain improves

There's no need to do organ treatment if it's unrelated.

Depending on test results the treatment changes which means the treatment changes depending on the client.


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