Low Risk POAO Consignments - Common Errors
Mersey Port Health Authority
Enforcing environmental, public and animal health controls across 53 miles of coastline in Liverpool, Sefton and Wirral.
We have identified some common errors with Low Risk product of animal origin (POAO) consignments that have been submitted to us through IPAFFS.
Establishment Not Approved / Not Entered
A number of consignments have been submitted without having entered an approved establishment or with an establishment that is not approved for the products being imported.
The establishment number should be entered on the CHED notification when submitting and the establishment must be on the Establishments approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain list.
Container/Trailer/Seal numbers not entered or incorrect
CHED notifications have been notified to us without the container number/trailer number/seal numbers filled in or an incorrect container/trailer/seal number has been entered.
Incorrectly entering the container number (or leaving it blank) can lead to delays in releasing consignments as this would mean our system would be unable to link the container number on the CHED in IPAFFS to the corresponding manifest in Destin8.
The seal number on the CHED should match up with the commercial documentation.
No Documents uploaded in IPAFFS
CHEDs have been submitted through IPAFFS with no documentation attached.
For low risk POAO imports:
All the documents should be attached to the CHED notification in IPAFFS before submitting. We cannot carry out checks if there are no documents attached to the CHED in IPAFFS.
Weights and Package numbers not matching
CHEDs have been submitted with weights or package numbers entered that do not match the commercial documentation.
The weights and number of packages on the CHED should match up with what is on the commercial documentation.