Low rectal disc excision in huge endometriosis of the parameter (the Rouen technique)
Young woman with huge deep endometriosis nodule of the parameter infiltrating:
- the low rectum on 4 cm length, at 4 cm above the anus
- the mid vagina on 3 cm diameter
- the left parameter down to left levator ani muscles
- compression of left sacral roots responsible for cyclic embarrassing sciatalgia
We performed disc excision using an original combined laparoscopic-transnal approach.
The surgery was carried out two years ago. The patients has one bowel movement/day, with normal anal continence and bladder voiding.
Gynecologist Obstetrician private Ob/Gyn
6 年original? and excellent Rouen? technique? for? Deep pelvic infitrating? endometriosis especially? in? term? of? follow up? and? surgical? managment?
Head and Medical Director Obstetrics and Gynecology presso Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari Full Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology
6 年Another great surgery!!
Professor, Head of OBG dept & a Freelance Gynaec lap surgeon
6 年Very complex procedure indeed. How do you close the rectum?? Is it staples?