Low Code-No Code, in the era of business agility

Low Code-No Code, in the era of business agility

Low-Code and No-Code: two words that identify two similar concepts. Often their objectives as well as area of interest are the same. On the other hand, the methods of development are different. Here is a first distinction.

The No-Code and Low-Code platforms replace programming. In fact, they offer graphic interfaces where the predominant tool becomes the visual one. A first main difference is that Low-Code platforms still need the presence of professionals with technical skills, such as developers or system integrators, whereas No-Code ones do not. The main purpose of Low-Code is to make application development accessible to everyone, through a pre-set and intuitive platform. For example, it allows you to quickly customize some features of an app and easily implement integrations with CRM or ERP solutions, though the intervention of technicians is required.

When we talk about No-Code we refer to a solution suitable also for non-professionals. In fact, No-Code addresses mainly to the so-called "Citizen developers" or those users who intend to program but do not have the skills to do so. Clearly, there is a drawback, and here we come to another difference between the two concepts, in fact, due to the simplicity of use, customization in a No-Code software is not possible at all levels. To give an example, it is possible to solve simple "point-to-point" integration problems but not completely customize an app.

Main features and benefits

Let's see now the advantages of Low-Code and No-Code. Among the benefits we certainly find the rapidity of development, with a significant reduction in times that can even reach 90%. The rapid release of changes allows us to respond very quickly to business needs and this allows for an increase in the agility of the business; in addition, the reduced time to market of applications and a reduced use of company resources for the the programming phase, allow to reduce costs and thus optimize the budget. In addition to the quantitative benefits relating to time and costs, there are also qualitative ones. Developers save time and can focus on the most relevant aspects that bring value for the user.

Another benefit of Low-Code and No-Code is that it can be used in an experimental phase. In just a few hours it is possible to create an application without particular limitations. The ease of use also allows a lot of autonomy, which translates into the possibility to satisfy specific needs without the need for a specialized technical team. Developers are thus relieved of extra work and can concentrate their energies on high-value priorities.

Low-Code and Agile Development

The advent of Low-Code/No-Code platforms is a fairly recent phenomenon. The term "Low-Code" dates back to 2014 and was invented by Forrester Research to identify this particular form of software development.

We have seen how this type of platform allows you to create applications and modify them extremely quickly, through intuitive graphical interfaces, using a much shorter source code compared to traditional development techniques. These aspects of the Low-Code/No-Code approach match perfectly with the agile methodology.

Born in 2001 as a methodology for the management of software development projects, the term Agile has gradually expanded its meaning, becoming the reference point in digital transformation projects. Therefore, it is not just a way of developing applications but an overall way of managing the business innovation path. The ease of use and the speed of implementation with Low-Code and No-Code, guarantees an Agile approach allowing for greater experimentation compared to traditional methodologies. In addition, it makes it easier to better manage continuous change, offering rapid scalability and adaptability of the tools used.

How organizations are using Low-Code/No-code

A software created with this methodology allows companies to have a versatile and functional tool for their constantly evolving business needs. It easily adapts to any business sector, preferring medium to large companies that are more likely to be able to afford the initial investment.

According to a Gartner study, by 2024, 65% of applications will be programmed in Low-Code mode, and by 2030 the volume of business generated by the Low-Code and No-Code market will amount to approximately 187 billion dollars. The Low-Code/No-Code approach allows companies to increase their potential for innovation serving as a quick and functional alternative to traditional programming.

In the past, business software was either developed internally, purchased or rented from an external supplier. With the advent of new tools such as Low-Code/No-Code platforms, it is possible to fully and quickly meet business requirements: speed of creation, customization and scalability. The base code traditionally used is replaced by a graphical user interface or a visual interface of the WYSIWYG type (acronym for the expression "What you see is what you get"), drastically reducing the complexity and the need for specialized technical skills.

Perspectives and Trends

The activity of developers is increasingly challenged by the productivity limits of traditional development. Only a few technology companies manage to be successful today using just traditional development approaches. Low-Code/No-Code platforms certainly represent a great opportunity for companies, able to support their digital transformation process.

In 2021, the global low-code development technology market reached $ 13.8 billion in revenue. However, it is important to keep in mind that the use of these methodologies can generate not only advantages but also criticalities. It is in fact essential to choose quality software and know how to use them correctly. The platform used must be up to the standards required by the organization both in terms of security and performance, in compliance with laws and regulations in force. Before choosing these models, companies must therefore consider the risks associated with the production of non-compliant software and the possible difficulty in maintaining the solutions developed, for example, if there is no ad-hoc training and or there are unstructured accesses by users of the platforms.

A conscious approach is therefore necessary but this will not slow down the adoption Low-Code/No-Code platforms, which is destined to grow. A survey conducted in January 2022 by the research firm IDC with nearly 400 companies showed that 49% of respondents are purchasing low-code or no-code platforms to bring innovation. The second reason for purchasing these software tools (39%) resulted to be "pandemic needs". Simultaneously, there is certainly a need to fill a worldwide shortage of qualified developers and increase productivity quickly. According to Gartner, the use of low-code software development platforms is also growing by over 20% per year and by 2023 it will involve over 50% of medium and large companies. In this perspective, they predict that by 2025, 70% of new applications developed will use low-code or no-code technologies, compared to less than 25% in 2020.

An opportunity not to be missed for all companies that want to make innovation their strong point, using efficient, scalable and customizable tools.



