Loving Yourself Into Greater Shape, The 4 Big Levers to Financial Freedom, & Improving Your Decision-Making (Fit Rich Life Newsletter No. 58)
Justin David Carl
Sharing Money, Fitness & Life Mastery via Posts, Newsletter, Podcast | Fit Rich Life | High Performance Coach
“Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.” —Malcolm Gladwell, Canadian Journalist & Author
Greetings Fit Rich Fam!
This past week I shared my story about resilience and finding a higher calling on the Flourish With Purpose Podcast.
Reflecting on the experience one of the biggest things that sticks out is how crucial failure has been to my success.
The other piece that sticks out is that I've often had to lose myself to find myself.
To some people, it seems like I've always had it all together, but let me assure you that is not the case.
If you're in the middle of a failure or feeling lost know that this is a key ingredient to building a life you're proud of.
Without further ado, let's proactively build your Fit Rich Life.
This is your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to take your Fitness, Money, and Life to the Next Level.
FITNESS: Loving yourself into greater shape.
I spent 20 years trying to beat my body into shape.
This process was fueled with hate for my body and the extra fat it was carrying.
It was exhausting.
And it didn't work at all.
It wasn't until I started loving my body into greater shape that I got in the best shape of my life.
This involved positive affirmations in the mirror (naked or with minimal clothing).
Some days I cried when doing the affirmations.
Other days I scoffed at myself for how ridiculous this practice was.
But ultimately it worked.
In 6 months I shed 30lbs of unwanted body fat, got in the best shape of my life, and finally realized that loving my body into shape was the way.
P.S. I was also working with an online fitness coach who taught me how to eat and train in a way that worked for me, but I know that would not have worked if I hadn't upgraded my mindset and improved my relationship with my body.
MONEY: The four big levers to financial freedom.
While I am all for analyzing one's spending habits to ensure that they are aligned with one's goals and true values the things that are going to make the biggest improvements are focusing on the three biggest costs and increasing one's income.
The three biggest costs are housing, car, and food.
If you can optimize one of these you will make decent progress towards financial freedom.
If you can optimize two of them you will make significantly more progress at a much faster rate.
If you optimize all three of them you can go incredibly fast towards financial independence.
A majority of the people I know who have achieved financial independence at an earlier age, myself included, got all three of these expenses super-optimized for a fair duration of time on their way toward true financial freedom (IOW: getting to a point where all paid work becomes optional).
But let me be clear, once you reach financial independence you can loosen the purse strings and start upgrading your lifestyle in tandem with your wealth accumulation.
This means you can upgrade your living situation, drive a fancier car, and spend more money on groceries and eating out as your investments (or income) grow.
Growing your income is the 4th key lever to focus on as you pursue financial independence.
This is a proactive process that can be a combination of career income growth, getting into entrepreneurship, and real estate.
LIFE: Irreversible versus reversible decisions.
Decision-making is one of the most important aspects of success.
Yet we often get stuck in indecision, which is also a decision, albeit one that leaves us in limbo.
Being stuck in limbo can cause serious delays in making meaningful progress in our business, careers, and other aspects of life.
A powerful decision-making framework that can help you come to a decision faster is asking whether or not the decision is reversible or irreversible.
If the decision is reversible you can make the decision quickly without any severe consequences for getting it wrong as you can always reverse the decision.
However, if the decision is irreversible, then it makes sense to do a deeper analysis and ensure it's the right decision before making it.
Closing Thoughts:
Whether it is incorporating a practice of loving your body into greater shape, getting coaching for an area of life you want to transform, working on one of the big 4 levers to financial freedom, or improving your decision-making progress take some new inspired action this week.
The same actions equal the same results.
New and improved actions equal improved results.
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I am sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!
Your Fitness, Money & Life Coach,
Justin David Carl
Whenever you're ready, here is how I can help you:
I run a custom-tailored 1-1 & group mastermind coaching program that will empower you to achieve your ideal level of fitness, master your money, & live your best life.
Yup, it's a proven Fitness, Money, and Life Coaching Program unlike anything else out there.
You can book a free consultation with me or send me a note here on LinkedIn to find a time to connect.