In the Loving Memory of my role model; Grandpa
My grandpa’s wish list for me could be summarized to just one GROW; continue working on my ‘SELF.’ To improve, excel, inspire and be inspired, learn more, motivate, in his dictionary this is 'growing'...etc.
‘Not that simple grandpa!’ I say
Grandpa: ‘All throughout this process ‘Goodness’ is key. And ‘Kindness’ is mandatory because in the end this is your drive...It is not easy and will not just happen overnight...It takes courage, consistency and intuition...There are challenges out there and setbacks that will get in the way; intended and random ones, but I guess this is what ‘LIVING’ is all about...Embracing life, the time given, the chances, the errs, the lessons learned...etc.; taking in all the colors life has to offer and while your favorite colors inspire your deeds and intentions, you still get some of your ‘not so favorite’ shades in the blend. So what! After all you are here to decode the Art of living! And what is better than 'EXPERIMENTING'! Better yet it’s your choice; either to cry over the undesired excess paint you got all over, or simply work with what you have and use that to create your ‘SELF’ the way you would like it to be.’
I say ‘’And eventually one will get there; live well to grow right and live right to grow well...Too bad there is no room for perfection on earth, but in our earthly terms good enough is just perfectly right!’’
In the loving memory of my Grandpa; ALMoatazBeallah O. Mubarak May you RIP!
Naglaa M. EL-Hateem
March 5,2015