In Loving Memory, the 'King' Anniversary 20.2.34 -29.6.22; ”A Legend in Name & Deed"; Extract: 
 1st Release: 'Knuckles III Behind Closed Doors'
The 'King'

In Loving Memory, the 'King' Anniversary 20.2.34 -29.6.22; ”A Legend in Name & Deed"; Extract: 1st Release: 'Knuckles III Behind Closed Doors'

Loyalty is a rare reality… if it actually really exists?

“Imagine there's no Heaven, it’s easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky …”, wrote Lennon.

Heaven and Hell are here on Earth. They appear as our lived experience.

There is no ‘death’, as such, as we continue for eons, in which we create our karma, as the ‘lifeforce’ beats to the sound of its tune, heard by enlightened earthly beings, and those who reside in eternity, as the cycle of life continues.???

The good, the bad and the ugly lie between here and eternity, within the many spheres - on Earth and beyond… ‘worlds within worlds’.

I know, because I have lived, died, and been reborn in one lifetime; received messages from Heaven, ‘channelled’ in my early day poems.

So, it was, when Neil Kerley passed, early evening, 29.6.22 …through my screams of despair; deepest raw emotions unleashed of devastating loss - rebellious anger, to hear Neil’s voice from beyond, “we are still connected”, as the vision simultaneously appeared of Knuckles’ hand, as clear as day, plastered firmly on a ‘light switch’… to confirm his everlasting presence.

How could I doubt such miraculous reality… ‘life-after-life’, that began from the moment the King passed… ‘together forever’; bonded in body, heart, soul, mind, spirit, as the story of the ‘immortal’, Donald Neil Kerley continues… a life beyond ‘this’ life!

Morning after morning, immediately post his passing, Neil magically transported me from my side of our king-sized bed to his side. In awe, on awaking, I watched as he created clear?cinema-quality photos streaming ‘live’ of our 34-year love story that played out for several minutes.

Many, many dreams that show Neil ‘living’ in the now, revealing his normal behaviours …along with regular daily ‘reminders’ of our lives together that continue… post the death dream ‘warning’, 28.6.22, the evening before he departed the Earth plane.

I shall never forget the evening Neil passed, 29.6.22; the call from Kym, up the River, at 8:24pm, who was my ears and eyes over years to check on Neil’s welfare, having raised ‘concerns’, that I lived with; while awaiting planned ‘safe carriage arrangements’. This is why I regularly called Kym and Neil’s golf partner, Don, as I closely watched Neil’s safety as he continued to reside on the River to enjoy his love of fishing, golf, and nature - and be with me in between.

On hearing Kym’s voice, I nervously asked, “Everything okay?”, to be told in three words, “No! Neil’s dead”, after which I erupted in shock… screaming, “No, no, no… that’s not true”, while bashing my head against the wall… to sight Sam Newman’s sad text seconds later; 8:25pm, after which I hung up from Kym to call Sam in Melbourne.

My screams went to another level… no doubt heard by neighbours as I fought to comprehend the shock, as Sam tried, best he could, to stop my screaming, telling me people were there with him; naturally distressed hearing my earth-shattering, non-stop screaming.

Sam kept begging me to hang up, so he could get someone round to be with me. I stopped screaming… said I would call my sister.

While awaiting her arrival I called Cherryl Barassi, who promptly asked Ron to put down the second home phone that he had also picked up, to block the news of Neil’s passing, I relayed to Cherryl, who was doing what she could to console me.

“You two are soul mates, you know he is still with you”, to which I reacted defiantly, “No, no, don’t give me that?Cherryl - that’s what I say to others” – as I made it clear I would not be able to accept the news of Neil’s shock passing.

Network Ten TV News Flash, 29.6.22...first release, the King's sad passing (photo @ Kerls' surprise 80th, I organised)?

Then the strangest thing occurred, as if, ‘divinely time’…

After hanging up the phone to await my sister’s arrival, I sat down on my couch; the TV (ABC) in the background showing, at that exact moment, footage of a deceased woman lying in a casket. She was all lit up in bright multicolours, saying, “I’m not dead, I’m not really dead” …echoing my words!!

From her horizontal position in the casket… the female then rose upwards, out of her casket, while repeating, “I’m not dead, I’m not really dead”, to which a woman next to the casket sternly replied, “Get back in the coffin, you’re supposed to be dead!”

How does that happen – at that exact moment in time? What powers are part of universal responses? How was it that this woman, in a coffin, appeared on screen at that exact moment, ‘denying her death’?

I relayed the crazy moment to my sister, who soon arrived, as we watched late-night TV newsflashes reporting the sudden passing of the King; hysterical, crying, angry, inconsolable.

My sister stayed until 5am, having to get back home after no sleep, to look after her grandson that morning.

Every night thereafter, sleep after sleep, as soon as I awoke; cinema-quality photos magically appeared, streaming for many minutes of our lives… in which it soon became obvious to me - that I had metaphorically ‘left’ this world with the love of my life – who remained bonded to me at every level.

So maybe now, those who can’t make sense of my utter despair - the depth, degree, need for disclosure, transparency, and truth - may better understand my public stance since Neil’s shock, sudden passing… as I continually beg him to come back, as he has; continues to be here in so many ways; remains within me.

We had planned to depart together, believing Neil had many years to come, based on Neil’s vital DNA… said to live, “well into his 90s”; again, confirmed by ‘knowing insightful beings,’ that “Neil would still be driving at 100 years of age”.

I too remain in awe of the King’s daily ‘signs of life.’

Particularly the most amazing reappearance of the ‘King’ at the Norwood Church; a friend’s funeral, poignantly positioned under the Cross of Jesus Christ; that remains a truly momentous moment in world history, 5.1.23; that occurred 6 days after I was told by the Coroner’s Office, who wrote to me, 30.12.22, to say I could not visit; sit with Neil’s body; as I begged for, to assist me with much-needed closure, previously denied me. That email response - see below - naturally implied - confirmed that Neil's body was 'still' in the city morgue?(which is why I waited, and continued to wait, without pressing for 'disclosure' - given the evidence provided relating to Neil's sudden passing, so as not to disrupt due process; before being forced to publicly express my need for closure, having found out months later that Neil's body and his vehicle 'quietly disappeared', along with my possessions - in which I was seemingly misled/tricked? Why? I think that is now obvious - given all the details I have since disclosed).? ?

According to George, the Greek (my ‘Good Friday’ article) this magic reappearance of the King, is real; ‘possibly a first in the Western world, but known to have occurred in Eastern civilisation’, where wisdom and profundity are ‘jewels in the crown’… part of recorded ancient folklore history.????

Why the King reappeared, having transmitted a message to me to watch the online telecast while I was readying to sleep on, 4.1.23 – unaware as to why – was as much a shock to me, as it is to everyone.

I watched the 90min footage over and over again, before visiting ‘In Memorium Productions’, who filmed the funeral…as we confirmed, it was indeed ‘him’. Not actually in the Church…but magically on film footage, with all his normal human movements, known behaviours and unique habits displayed, to leave no one in doubt… 'remains a clear message from the world beyond - that life does not end here’!

This world, just a ’school ground’ for learning, as a more surreal life remains beyond this ‘harsh human existence’. Something I have always believed; something, naturally, most do not, for which I have long asked why, what, who is this message for, from the 'King'?

“Everyone, everywhere”, is the immediate response.

Yes, my soul mate has indeed appeared relentlessly, in many ways immediately post his passing… but there is one particular appearance – well actually several - in which Kerls appeared weeks after his passing that occurred on, 26.8.22; ’eye balls’ glued to the glass on the side window of my home. Then, lightning fast within seconds, again, as I stood aghast, in shock, as those same recognisable eyes glued to the glass on the back window - looking directly into where we spent most of our days together, as we couch cuddled, relaxed in blissful oneness, chatting, or watching DVDs.

Kerls was ‘outside’ peeking into our ‘love nest’!

In obvious shock, I raced across the road to where workmen were building a new home. Music blaring, as I yelled out, “Anyone there?”, several times, until the music was turned off to hear a response, “Yeah, what’s the problem lady”?

A quick, awkward, explanation by me, was followed by, “No I’m scared…“; followed by a second voice echoing the same obvious fear… until a young boy’s voice replied… “I’ll come over”, as we both raced back…

As it transpired, the magical appearance was for ‘him’, the young apprentice carpenter, Connor, who explained how much he admired Neil Kerley, and that his late uncle, Richard Dey, played for the Glenelg Football Club.

Having come to my rescue in my fearful state, we chatted about the ‘great man’, yet I had yet to know what Connor went on to reveal… I believe, was the reason for ‘this’, Neil’s surreal ‘supernatural’ appearance.

Connor’s uncle, Richard Dey, when a 19-year-old cricketer and champion of the Glenelg Football Club with a bright future ahead, suffered a career-ending injury; having broken his neck in a collision on match day.

Dey eventually recovered enough to regain limited physical capacity; and worked hard to turn his life around… succeeding in small degrees to find a way through his nightmare. Though, according to Connor, his uncle was not given the necessary club support in his darkest days.

A broken career led to a broken marriage and a broken life.

Despite courageous attempts to push on with a loving, supportive family… the harder he tried, the many pathways he traversed, and the attempts to find work wherever he could, failed.

I made many attempts to seek more information about Dey, having been given the names of his footy mates, without success. Glenelg was Kerls' ole footy club; the club 'he' took to the Premiership in 1973 after a 7-year slog - a feat last achieved by the club in 1934, the year Kerls was born.

I was told by the club's receptionist that they had no details of Dey.?

His name does not even appear anywhere in online club history. It seems as if Richard Dey never existed! ????

I spoke with Dey’s mum and eldest daughter, whom Connor put me in contact with, to hear about how Dey had fought hard to find his way through life, post his career-ending injury.

The mere fact Dey was eventually able to regain movement and was searching for paid work was testimony to the fact he was a fighter, a doer…not looking to lean on others, nor asking for handouts.

Struggling as he did, to the very end; disillusioned, angry… racked with pain, Dey gave up, ended his pain-stricken days - took his own life… as suicide seemingly became his only remaining option, beyond this harsh world.

Connor’s telling of the story was heartbreaking as he asked me if I would let him read out a text.

A ‘dream’ Connor had of his uncle in the days post his passing, after Connor explained that he had a few strong words to say to his uncle; confronting him over how he spoke, which seemingly upset his two sons; Connor’s cousins… the day before he took his life.

Full of grief and guilt, believing he, Connor, was responsible; he remained inconsolable believing it was his fault his uncle ended his life. That is, until the dream… he then read to me.

Not just a dream, but an amazing message from his uncle in which he thanked Connor for being the man he was; and thanked him for having the courage to speak his truth that showed so much family love and care.

Having given up on my attempts to speak to someone from the Glenelg Football Club about Dey, what I heard from Dey’s mum and eldest daughter gave me enough insight to realise Dey had an amazing, supportive family who dearly loved him.

It was obvious from speaking with them that Dey did all he could to mend a shattered life… one of his last jobs being a chef in a nursing home – and finally a stay-at-home dad.

The ‘King’, seeing all he does, in his life beyond, was bringing joy to a young ‘hero’, Connor Dey, who will go on to be an amazing young man…who has a lot of the Knuckles-like strength within while reminding his Glenelg footy club - the wider game - that footy players deserve to be better supported, as Kerls naturally did, often at his own peril… all his football life - and beyond.

The King always put others, including his teammates’ lives first, which is how he made lifetime success stories of those he mentored and protected, on and off the field; lives he magically manoeuvred, continued to influence the 'game' with lifelong loyalty – that has not been respected – by some, who put self-serving interests before loyalty, who held back truth, honour, 'fair-play'. They know who they are!

Despite screams from ‘loyal’ footy 'Greats' - the wider public, that the King, 'Mr Football SA', should have been made a Legend in his lifetime – well before his passing – and the ‘first’ to have had a Statue - at the very front of Adelaide Oval - as Baras, 'Mr Football Victoria' does at the front of the MCG!?

Where does fair play - local loyalty - ‘hide' in SA?? ?

It is half a century ago that Kerls delivered a Premiership to the Glenelg Football Club – as he did for Westies, twice; and South Adelaide, from the bottom of the Ladder to a Premiership in one footy season, in 1964... and for several local country, grassroots clubs.?

The King masterminded SA's only win against the 'Big V’...and Australian Footy success in Ireland; an all-round 'celebrity', respected footy commentator, inspiring public speaker, respected public figure... second to none in SA - ‘lest some choose to forget’.

Said by the big Vics to be, a true "Legend In Name and Deed" which the AFL, this State, Footy, and many, many individuals benefited from the King's multi-talented abilities and influences!? ?

Connor got to take a piece of the King home with him, post his heroic, mission to run to my aid.????

This magical incident, Kerls initiated, just continues to highlight the King's 'beyond-life' powers, as he did on the afternoon of 26.8.22.

Then, exactly three days later, ‘exactly’, two months past his passing, on 29.8.22 – at ‘exactly’ 10.37am; as inexplicable as it was; Neil’s voice blared out, “Goodbye”, clearly heard over the Radio 'fiveAA' morning program announcer.

Not happy to hear that ‘goodbye’, I raged for many minutes; “Don’t you dare… don’t you dare say goodbye to me”, while my anger fuelled sky high, as the King continued to show he remains ‘within’; hears, sees me - and allows me to see, hear him.

He was, in fact only responding to my repetitive pleas, in this case, having said, ‘like a broken record’, …” But you never said goodbye to me”!

To rage when I heard his “goodbye” …a voice that no one could fake/replicate - as Kerls continues to appease me with his magical appearances – my many pleas, “I want you back”…as the new world 'prescribes' a ‘New Understanding of Grief’, a book, ‘Continuing Bonds’, recommended by a grief counsellor provided to me, courtesy of my health cover, who encouraged me to continue to follow my already traversed path, intuitively taken… to continue memorialising Neil, as I did in life…and continue to every day, by respecting that ‘bond’. ???

Kerls also appeared - those same ‘eyes’, in the same form as he appeared on 26.8.22, again, on the morning of his 90th ‘anniversary’ birthday 20.2.24, right up against my front door - caught on my front porch video camera at precisely, 5.13am on the 20.2.24.

As I later noted, how I referred to the King’s ‘90 Light Years’, having gifted him the montage, giant-sized frame of his 70th, 75th, 80th, surprise birthdays – and a separate giant framed photo of him with his Melbourne mates at his 70th?birthday – naturally expecting to have them - and my other gifts to Kerls returned to me – sadly, also ignored.

Having provided significant funding to Kerls – and his family - as far back as 1995; and ongoing financial support, right up until his sudden passing, all I requested was for those two giant-sized frames to be returned to me.?

But, no one can ever take my 'other half' away from me, ever again, as this time … this time, the King remains the force, ‘influencer’, who is in the driver’s seat… that drives me in everything I do - especially to press for truth and justice – for us both!

Since his passing, the King has taken me to many places, within myself, I would otherwise have feared to venture - to a depth I had yet to reach, now, like him; totally fearless and forthright.

Me, the shy, awkward kid, who always said she ‘did not belong here’; defiantly declaring, “I am an alien; have never fitted into this world” …matched by my mum’s repetitive comment, “I don’t know where I got you from”, having declared from the moment I was born that I was ‘different’, she would often say; ‘different from all her other five offspring’.

More, most, special to me, is Kerls’ everlasting gift, having ‘bonded’; and immersed bodies before he passed – as we remain as ‘one’, on a love journey together wherever the road takes us…?on the road less travelled.

With All My Love, My Love…… ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Soul Deep

Shattered hearts and minds delve deep

What is life – this life – any life – what is it

Hearts sing - holds the mind spellbound as we walk another day

another way

leaving behind body

but not soul - never soul

See between the lines

read between the lines

life everlasting – upbeat!

? ? 20.2.11

? ? Eve

'Soul Deep', scribed; 20 February 2011 – on Neil’s 77th?Birthday!!!…as I write this; I also note that written for Kerls ‘90th?Memorial’, of his ‘soul’..."Many superlatives, and accolades, have been used; all appropriate, all deserved, but none that refer to the ‘soul’,?which is infinite, the source of all life - and all our achievements.…"

(No, I don’t plan serendipity... ‘it'? just happens, naturally, such are the wonders of the world; past, present, future, all magically aligned as one!)


From:?CAA:PM Coroner's Court

Sent:?Friday, 30 December 2022 9:02 AM

To:?Yvonne Nicolas

Subject:?Re: the death of Mr Kerley


Good morning Ms Nicolas

I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 19 December 2022.

The State Coroner has considered your request and has advised that he cannot and will not grant you the opportunity to spend time with Mr Kerley’s body.

Additionally, given you are not the senior next of kin, the Coroners Court will not be corresponding with you any further about this matter.

Kind regards

Elicia White Manager? |? State Coroner's Court Courts Administration Authority 302 King William Street ADELAIDE? SA? 5000

yvonne nicolas

Founding Board Member at United Action For Life Foundation Inc

8 个月

The King - A Hero, A Legend, A is said, "the King was a once in a generation we will never see the likes of again", at his State Funeral - at which grown men cried at his sudden, shock passing, 29.6.22! The indestructible, irrepressible, irreplaceable, rare soul – so loved, admired, respected by hundreds of thousands of Australia Rules football fans - in particular his peers, the big Vics! They called him, a true "Legend In Name and Deed" which the AFL, Footy, and many, many individuals benefited from the King's multi-talented abilities and influences!?? Gone too soon...



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