Loving the change in me .... Happy teacher's day
Sindhu Nandakumar
Director at Atmasutra Wellness Pvt Ltd | Pioneering the Wellness Revolution | Transforming Lives through Holistic Harmony
Facebook is a cool place to be in …..well! I know many of you agree with me in this while many don’t …. Lets not pull out the fringes or the flaws … this is a just a casual post to share a smile that fb gave me today … a smile of self realisation….the one feature that facebook had added is the bring back memory post that shows us what happened an year ago ….
I am the very same person…. Sitting in front of my very same computer … lol… in the very same place … yet every time I see a memory that fb brings up either as a friendship with a person or a scribble that I had posted… or a painting I had done or even a share I had shared… I feel so different .. sometimes it feels close than before or sometimes too detached but never the same …. Lol
Today its teachers day two years before I had posted the below poem
A teacher’s day greeting
Naive and Insecure was I
As I opened my eyes into this new world.
I blinked and looked around
Not knowing what to do.
There came an arm to cuddle me
And help me take my first steps
I looked up and saw my first teacher,
My mother, who loved and cared for me
More than I can ever pen down…
I was happy, yet at times insecure
And then I saw a second pair of hands
A bit stern but always soft at touch
Around my shoulders to protect and guide me
I looked up and saw my second teacher,
My father, my hero and inspiration later on.
My parents gave me a childish teacher too
My brother, whom I always liked to disobey
Who always ran to stop my stupid pranks.
How would my childhood be complete
Without him who always fought with me
Yet was by my side the moment I needed him ?
As I grew up there were many more hands
My classroom teachers, who guided me
Around my school and college days.
Life would have never been so steady without
Those friendly , caring and inspiring minds
Who gifted me great strings of knowledge
Which helped me build my future so strong .
As wheels of destiny changed course
I was taken off the comfort zone of my home.
I was confused and a bit scared
But as seasons changed I realized
That I was taken into a home equally good
And my husband, my new teacher
Become my peer and partner in life ,
He taught me the intricate lessons of life
With simple words and supportive thoughts.
As if destiny was not yet contend
I was bestowed with clusters of friends
My passive teachers, who polished me still more
With wonderful moments and giggling lessons
And made me sparkle as I am now …
I take this turn of mine
To dedicate this ode
To all the wonderful teachers of my life
And the inspiring messages they have imparted .
An year passed and when the next teachers day came I wrote this article for my magazine and shared that in fb . And now as I look back I realize that I was once in a very small world where only people close to me were there and so they were my teachers….and as days flew … as I drifted into the world so big I had to amend my views …… or slightly add on to my existing view that not only relations were our teacher but my last mistake was my best teacher.:) so that year the below article was my post ….
We did have lots and lots of teachers all throughout our lives. Some were our classroom teachers while others were our non-classroom teachers who taught us greater lessons through their actions, words and experiences. The non-classroom teachers that I mentioned could be our parents, friends, relatives, colleagues or even strangers who initiated some new thought in us. Some of them were passive, while some very active. Some were informative while some boring. Some taught us through tears while some taught us through smiles.I am sure you thoughts would be presently racing through the many teachers of your life. Remembering all those who have taught us the varied lessons of life, and if someone asked you who your best teacher was, what would you reply? Well! I would gladly say my best teacher was my last mistake.
Sounds weird .Isn’t it? But isn’t it the truth? We all learn from our mistakes. We might or mightn’t forget the lessons that others had taught us. But will we ever forget what our own mistakes had taught us? No. The bigger our mistake, the bigger its impact will be. And the bigger its impact, the better and longer we remember that .And that’s exactly the reason why I said my best teacher was my last mistake.
If our mistakes are our teachers, then why fear them? Don’t let the fear of committing mistakes pull you down from doing something you dream. We might make mistakes when we take a new step. But we will learn from it and keep going till we succeed. So accept mistakes as a part of your life. Acknowledge mistakes as a teacher who helps you improve. Remember them, learn from them, but never be afraid of them, for without mistakes no one has ever succeeded in life.
…that was the realisation that brought in a smile … just an year and what a change ….now I smile more brighter ....for this change is what keeps our life bright and going …Isn’t it ? ? happy teachers day once again