Lovey Cruise Line "Love Sheet" Day 1- Pitbull's Homecoming Cruise

Lovey Cruise Line "Love Sheet" Day 1- Pitbull's Homecoming Cruise

INTRO: This is a cruise activity sheet of events there will be on the first day of a facade cruise line I've put on here before, Lovey Cruise Line (LCL). I made it a themed cruise based out of Miami of which our special guest, "Pitbull", is from. I also added "Flo-rida" and Nicki Minaj to spice up the short two night, made up adventure. Here is the boarding day "Love Sheet", enjoy and remember to Choose Love!

Lovey Dream Inaugural Call Into Miami December 16 @ Approximately 8pm

Official LCL Love Sheet

MS Lovey Dream

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Weather H: 77 L: 68 - Rain: 50%

All Ashore: N/A - All Aboard: 4:30

A Lovey Cruise Line Special Cruise

Pitbull’s Homecoming: Dec 17-19

Time to Party: Welcome aboard on our first ever themed cruise. A cruise themed on local rap, Latin flavor, and powerful lyrics. The MS Lovey Dream repositioned all the way from Orlando just for you. For this special cruise, we want all of our new guests to have the best of love. Lovey Cruise Line would like to officially welcome Pitbull and special guests Flo-Rida and Niki Minaj, who all will be joining us on this unique sailing. Let’s welcome them all, Lovey Dream gives them love!?

Welcome aboard the Lovey Dream!?

Boarding Day Timeline *STRICTLY ENFORCED*

9:00 - Lots Open to Prevent Congestion?

9:30 - Terminal Opens for LCL Loyalty Check-In (500)

10:00-10:30 - LCL Gold and Diamond Boarding?

10:45 - Terminal Opens for Groups A-B Check-In

11:00-Noon: Groups A-B Boarding (1,000)?

12:15 - Terminal Open for Groups C-D Check-In

12:30-1:30 - Groups C-D Boarding (1,000)

Boarding for All Non Special Guests Ends at 3:30pm

VIP/Special Guests/Extra Personnel Boarding (250)? - 3:45-4:15

Watch PitBull Board! Deck 5 - George Washington Walkway - Approximately 4:10

Official All Aboard is 4:30

4:40-5:10 - Mandatory Guest Safety Drill - All guests must participate in this required assembly. Please refer to your board on the back of your stateroom?

5:10 - Official Sail Away Party - Goodbye Miami!

PitBull Waves Goodbye to Miami Skyline - 5:30 - Deck 11 - Watch this special guest wave goodbye to his hometown. (Apart of the hometown cruise showcase)?

6:00 - Scavenger Hunt - LLounge - Deck 5

6:00 - The King of Queens (Mentalo Case) - IMAX

6:40 - Welcome Aboard Show ft. PitBull - LCL Theatre?

7:00 - LIVE Music with Flo Rida! - 1820 World

7:00 - Slide Race? - Ear Hall?

7:00 - Early Dining - MDR

7:15 - Fortnite @ Night - Teen Titans

7:15 - Christmas Crafts - Turtle Tods/Max’s Mini’s

7:15 - FREE Arr-Cading - Free Arcade time for 9-12 year olds only! - Pre-Game ONLY

7:30 - Music Trivia ft. Nicki Minaj - Pool Deck

7:30 - Elf (FREE) - IMAX U A?

7:30 - Cruise With Love - Bingo Winner Entered to win FREE cruise - LLounge?

7:30 - Meet Lovey the Bunny ?? - Ear Hall

7:45 - Free MockTail Tasting - Busters Bar

8:00 - Late Dining - MDR

8:15 - IceBreakers - 1820 World ???

8:15 - IceBreakers - Teen Titans

8:15 - IceBreakers - Pregame

8:15 - Musical Chairs IceBreakers - Turtle Tods?

8:15 - Free Play - Max’s Mini’s

8:30 - Welcome Aboard Show ? ft. PitBull - LCL Theatre?

9:00 - Dance Party with Nicki Minaj - LLOUNGE?

9:00 - Casino Countdown - Casino World

9:00 - Lightsaber Baseball - Tropicana At Sea

9:00 - PrimeTime Pizza Party ft. Flo Rida - Pizza Lovey?

9:15 - Open -? Turtle Tods

9:15 - Open - Pregame

9:15 - Open - Teen Titans?

9:15 - Meet Max at Max’s Mini’s - Max’s Mini’s

9:30 - Miracle On 34th Street (IMAX U A?) $3.40

9:30 - Lovey Basketball - Our version of HORSE - Sea Sun Sport Spa

9:45 - Friends of Dorothy - 1820 World ?? ??? ???

9:45 - Celebrity Heads Up - Teen Titans

9:45 - The Plunge Party - Pregame

9:45 - Max Visits - Turtle Tods

9:45 - Floor Piano - Max’s Mini

10:00 - Honey I love you? - LLounge?

10:00 - Late Night Vibes - DJ, Music, Friends, Ocean Breeze, What more can you ask for? - EarVision (Pool Deck)

10:00 - Bingo - Ear Hall

10:00 - Late Night Love Hour - Have a romantic picnic on the baseball grass with your partner - Tropicana at Sea

10:15 - Basketball Three Point Contest - Sea Sun Sports Spa

10:30 - Hero vs Villain - Pregame

10:30 - Find A Partner - Teen Titans

10:30 - Open - Turtle Tods

10:30 - Extra Hour ($$) - Max’s Mini’s

11:00 - Casino Countdown - Casino World

11:00 - Finish that Lyric ft. Niki Minaj? - LLounge

11:00 - How Well Do You Know Your Partner? - 1820 World???

11:15 - Karaoke - Pregame

11:15 - ManHunt - Teen Titans

11:15 - Extra Hour ($$) - Turtle Tods

11:30 - DJ Johnson Jammin’ - EarVision + Pool Deck

12:00am - Midnight Karaoke - Teen Titans

12:00am - Extra Hour ($$) - Pregame

12:15 - Piano Bar Karaoke - 1820 World?

12:45 - Extra Hour ($$) - Teen Titans


Kids Clubs:?

Max’s Mini’s - 6:15-10:45pm (E$TRA: 10:45pm-11:30pm

Turtle Tods - 6:45-11:15pm (E$tra: 11:15-Midnight)

Pregame - 7:00-11:30pm (E$tra: 11:30-12:30a)

Teen Titans - 7:15-12:45pm

Hungry, Thirsty?

Busters Buffet - 11am-2pm, 6pm-9pm

Piscattos Palace - LCL Diamond Brunch: 10:30am-Noon, 7pm-9pm

Pizza Lovey - 11am-4:00pm, 5:30pm-8:30pm, 9pm-11pm

MDR - 7:00pm-9:00pm

24HRDRINKS pres. by IBP: 24HRs

Room Service: 5:30-24 Hours


Dream Bar: 5:10-late - Deck 4

Busters Bar: Noon-10pm - Deck 11

Casino Counter: 5:10-late - Deck 5

The Lounge: 11am-11:45p - Deck 4

1820 World: 5:10-late - Deck 13


Basketball Court: Noon-11pm - Deck 12

Tropicana at Sea: 5:10p-11pm - Deck 13

Sea Spa: 11am-8pm - Deck 12


Guest Services: 24HRS

Photos4All Self Service: 24HRS

Photos4All Desk: 11am-4pm, 7pm-9pm


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