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It was just an innocent smile, Manohar, a teacher by profession thought as he passed the meat shop in the main market with a blooded knife concealed under his clothing. The persistent fear of being spotted made him nervous as it was his town and he didn’t want to be caught in possession of the weapon so he walked towards his flat without attracting any undue attention. From the corner of eye Manohar saw a normally run market where buyers and sellers were involved in their perpetual battle; one in which the seller try to extract the maximum profit whereas the buyer try to negotiate the best deals.
Manohar took a sign of relief as he entered the cobbler street and looked at three-story building whose top floor housed his flat, so far so good. The legend of the streets name brought a smile to his face as he noticed a cobbler sitting in the corner mending shoes.
It was said that here once lived a cobbler who was famous for his designer shoes. The town’s who’s who came to his shop to get their shoes designed by him; with time the cobbler’s fame grew and the news fell on the king’s ears who asked for the cobbler and his designer shoes. The king got so impressed by the craft of the cobbler that he gave him a chance to live in the palace with a handsome salary but on one condition that the cobbler would have to work exclusively for the king. The cobbler humbly declined the offer and kept mending shoes from his home as before. The king was so pleased by the bravely and honesty of the cobbler that he named the street after the cobber. The name of the cobbler got lost in the centuries that followed but the name Cobbler Street remained.
Manohar bolted the latch of his door, quickly took off his shirt that revealed a wrapped up cloth tied to his undershirt. He untied the cloth and placed the wrapped cloth on his bed. Then he got on his haunches and un-wrapped the cloth to reveal the bloodied knife. He heard a knock on door and quickly got to his feet, “who is it?” He asked.
“It’s me,” the voice said.
“Vikram one moment, I will be there” he said and looked about his room for the knife’s hiding place. The book shelf at the corner of the room brought a smile to his face, and he walked towards it. With sure hands he took out the book and opened it to reveal a concealed compartment which he used to hide money. Manohar quickly pocketed the money and stowed the knife in the cavity and placed the book back in its place.
“Open up, will you,” Vikram said from the bolted door.
Manohar took a deep breath to calm himself, “what’s the rush?” he said as he opened the door.
Vikram who was huffing and puffing entered the flat walked passed Manohar and sat on the bed, “don’t tell me you didn’t get the news.” He said.
“What news?”
Vikram looked at Manohar for a moment, “Raman Chauhan’s body is found in the pit behind the public toilets, the whole town is talking about it”
“Chauhan ji, our school head master, how it happened?” Manohar said but the words felt artificial coming out of his mouth. Word has travelled quickly, with that he remembered noticing people gathered in small groups when he passed the market earlier. At that time he thought they were going about their daily routine but now it stuck him that they were instead discussing the appearance of Raman’s corpse. Absorbing all the information he waited for Vikram to proceed.
“Police are there,” Vikram said as he composed himself and got to his feet, “I came to take you there” he added.
“What will we do their” Manohar said.
“Some say its suicide, while others murders.” Vikram said not paying any attention to Manohar’s reply.
Should I or should I not go, Manohar’s brain was working overtime about his next plan of action.
“We worked in the same school. Don’t tell me you are not curious” Vikram said.
“It’s sad to hear but...”
“Enough of it now put on a shirt and let’s go” Vikram added.
Manohar was forced to put on a shirt and they exited his flat.

“Hey, keep out of this rope” a hawaldar said.
Manohar and Vikram were standing among the assembled throng of onlookers, Vikram tried to stand on his toes “can you see anything?” He asked.
Manohar who was taller of the two kept staring at spot where the body of Raman Chauhan was laid and a police team were busy investigating the crime scene, “hmm...hmm” he said.
Vikram was jostling for space, “Hey don’t step on my toes.” he said, “what did you say?” he asked Manohar.
Manohar didn’t reply as his thoughts had taken him in the past to the incident which stared the chain of events.

“I know my wife was having an affair, but didn’t know it would be you” Raman said.
Manohar with his eyes downcast dreaded to reply, “Come on man; speak up” Raman added.
Manohar his face red with the shame sat in Raman’s study after being caught red handed in bed with Seema, Raman’s wife.
Raman thought for a moment, “I was the one who got you the job at school” he said pointing his finger at Manohar, “and that’s how you repay me” he added. “

A tug on Manohar’s shirt brought him back to reality, “hey come on” Vikram said as he gestured Manohar to come out of the crowd.
Manohar looked at the swelling crowd and made out of the crowded place, “what happened?” he said.
Vikram took a deep breath, “don’t you see” he said pointing at the assembled people, “it looks like that whole of the town has migrated here” Vikram said.
“You were the one who wanted to come here in the first place.”
Vikram raised his hands in defense, “ok, ok” he said and gestured Manohar to walk ahead.
Manohar kept walking in silence as viewing the dead body brought a sour toast to his mouth. “You know Seema” Vikram said.
Was it simply a question or a serious allegation, Manohar thought and as a reflex action turned around to face Vikram, “what did you say?” he said.
“Nothing” Vikram said, “I asked...”his reply was cut off by the siren of the passing ambulance. They both looked in silence as the ambulance stopping at a distance from the gathered crowd. A stretcher was laid out on which Raman’s body was taken to the ambulance and driven off. From his vantage point Manohar noticed the thinning crowd, the show is over. Turning towards Vikram, “I better be going, I need to be ready for my tuition” he said and departed.

“What have you done?” Manohar said looking at Raman’s lifeless body lying on the kitchen floor, “hey, you listening?” he asked Seema who was standing over the corpse with the bloodied knife in her hand.
Seema didn’t reply and kept staring at the body. Manohar walked up to her and shook her to reality, “hey, how it happened?” he asked.
“He...he was beating me” Seema said as she came out of the shock.
“Beating you?”
Manohar took Seema out of the kitchen and helped her settle on the chair in the dining room, “you sit I just come” he said and went back to the kitchen. Firstly he took out a spare carpet and rolled Raman’s body in it which he hid it in the store. Then he mopped the kitchen of the blood stains. And finally Manohar went to the bed room and retrieved the air freshener which he sprayed in the kitchen to hide the pungent smell. Once he was satisfied with his work only then did he go to look after Seema.
“Now tell me how it all happened?” he asked Seema who had regained her composer, “tell me everything” he added.
“I was in the kitchen preparing lunch,” she said and held Manohar’s hand tightly, “he came in the kitchen and started beating me” she added.
Manohar caressed her hand and gestured her to continue.
“It happened all at once,” she said posturing defensively with her hand, “I don’t remember, one moment he was beating me and the very next moment,” she stooped mid sentence.
“Don’t worry, everything will be alright” he said.
With tear in her eyes, “he was lying on the floor with the knife thrust in his chest.” She said.
Manohar took her in his arms and tried to calm her, “I am here, we will think about something” he said.
“Police will arrest me, I don’t want to go to jail” she said.
Cradling her face in his hands, “You are not going to jail, and I will do something about the body” he said.
Seema nodded; “whatever you say” she said and hugged him.

“Sir, sir...” a child’s voice brought Manohar back to reality and he found himself sitting in his flat taking tuition.
“Sir, what is the answer to the twelfth question” the child asked.
Manohar looked at the five students looking at him with curious eyes, “what?” he said.
“Sir, the answer to twelfth question” the child repeated.
He looked at the question but understood nothing as fear had enveloped his brain, what will happen to Seema? What if the police find my involvement? Finally taking a hold of himself “students today’s class is off, I will answer your questions tomorrow” he said.
Once alone in his flat Manohar quickly removed the blooded knife hid it under his clothing and went out. The sky had a tinge of red which signified the sun was in its last hour and would be setting for the day. There’s still time, he thought and meandered on.
Manohar’s thought took him two months back when he had his first encounter with Seema. He was on the way to Head master Raman’s house to thank him for giving him the job at the school.
Manohar had heard the word about the extraordinary beauty which the new head masters’ wife possessed but the first glimpse he saw of her drying her hair in the veranda as he entered the gate made him fall for her. From there on he thought about excuses to meet her and gradually expressed his feelings for her. Seema initially dissuaded him but eventually gave in to his demands which initiated their clandestine affair.
Sometimes during their romantic encounters Seema used to question Manohar, “what is the one thing which attracted you?”
“Your innocent smile” he replied. To which Seema used to giggle like a teenager.

Manohar thought were broken by the sound of children playing and he saw himself passing a park, How it all changed? He thought. Twilight was approaching and he saw artificial light taking effect. Time is right; he thought and walked purposely towards the river bank with the intention of disposing of the knife.
As he walked towards the destination his heart was pulled between the two extremes. On the one hand he was sad at the untimely demise of Raman but on the other hand Manohar was happy that he will not be facing any restrictions in meeting Seema. He reached the river bank looked about the place to make sure no one was watching. Then he carefully took out the wrapped knife tied it to a stone and threw it into the river. Manohar took a deep breath as he saw the stone pull the knife down with its weight. He stood on the spot few a few moments to make sure that everything went as planned. Finally contented with his work Manohar walked towards his flat with a smile adorning his face.

A fortnight had passed since Manohar disposed off the knife in the river. Apart from Vikram no one had seriously questioned about his involvement with Raman or for that matter Seema. So feeling a bit relieved he was on the way to Seema’s house. It’s been such a long time since he had last made love with her, today will be memorable.
Manohar entered the gate and was about to knock the door when he heard sounds coming from the house. He concentrated on the sounds for a moment and it became apparently clear that what was happening inside, Seema is with a man. But he wanted to make sure so he decided against knocking at the door and went to the bedroom window which was ajar. Manohar peeped inside and saw Seema groaning with pleasure and matching the man powerful thrusts with the rhythmic moment of her buttocks.
Manohar wanted to walk away as the anger and humiliation was consuming him but just then he saw Vikram. The man in bed with Seema was none other than his friend Vikram. Dejected and heartbroken Manohar walked away from there with a question lingering in his heart, was it just an innocent smile?





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