LoverBoy: Emoties Uit
Yesterday I? attended the Movie Premiere of Loverboy Emoties uit directed and played by Cyril Guds.? What a movie! A really intense and? interesting story inspired by true events.? I would like to express my respect to this guy who was able to make this movie with almost no budget. He did an amazing job with?this movie, thats why i want you to know i am giving all my support to you Cyril !
I met Cyril on the movie set while we were shooting the movie?Suriname?in Paramaribo.?
He directly made a strong impression on me, and? not just only with his acting talent in front of the camera but also off the set by his determination to give the best of him. He kept following his dream, struggled a couple of years with ups and downs and he is finally giving us today this movie LoverBoy Emoties Uit.
I am more than 15 years active in the Dutch movie scene and I realized that we are missing this kind of content on the Dutch market, really difficult for young and unknown filmmakers to get film subventions. I think that the time has come to reconsider the distribution of film subventions. When I am looking at the French movie market, the library is a way much wider than it is in the Netherlands and it makes the French filmindustrie much stronger.
I know? that Cyril struggled a lot , and much more than? other directors to realize his movie, to finance it (by crowd founding) , asking from Dutch Influencers to help him to promote the trailer, the movie, fighting to get the attention of? the main cinema exhibitors and distributors in the Netherlands.?
He worked really hard on it,? sacrifice a lot and I hope it will bring him some amazing new projects and opportunities with “real” budgets to finance them.
By making this movie Cyril is spotlighting? the human trafficking and forced prostitution, and supporting foundation helping the victims.
I remember back in 2014, Spike Lee was in Amsterdam giving a masterclass downtown and Angelo Bromet manage to bring him in Amsterdam South-East to speak to the youth, amazing initiative and great opportunity for the young creators to exchange with Spike Lee. I attended the lecture and I remember those words from him, pushing the young creators to take their camera’s, assemble a team with the talents moving around them and go on the street to video shoot? , to create content, to write a story, to make cinema; He was explaining that with the nowadays digital technology it is easier to shoot a movie then back in time? when he was shooting with celluloid film.? I also had the privilege to talk him after the lecture and invite him to Cinema multiplex I was managing in this time, Pathé ArenA. We manage to find a 35mm copy of Do The Right Thing from the Dutch Film Museum and asked him if he was available after the movie for a Q&A, he accepted and was sharp on time to speak with the young crowd about DTRT.?
I was hosting the Q&A and I remember the way he closed the Q&A by saying that you should following your dream and you should never underestimate yourself or your own capacity to achieve your goals, if you want to make a movie, go and make it ! And that is exactly what Cyril did, he followed his dream and made it happen!?
I hope that Cyril will inspire young talents to do the same, but also inspire Exhibitors and Distributors to believe in this kind of movies and to believe in unknown filmmakers.
Good luck with the box-office Cyril !?
PS: This morning it came to my attention that the movie was booked many times at?!
#Loverboyemotiesuit #loverboydefilm #WWentertainment #PatheNL #thisistheanything #Theanything #Tuschinski #SpikeLee??
Cyriel Guds Angelo Bromet - Prospect Eleven Rodney Leysner Rodney Lam Denzel von Deira Wilco Wolfers Danny Leysner Thomas van de Weerd Ruud Lamers Auke van der Hoek Jaap Bruijnen Marco van Demen
Acteur - filmmaker - schrijver
4 个月Wauwww amazed by this, thank you brother! Really appreciate your support ??
Freelance Presentator Omroep Zwart & Freelance Creative
6 个月????????????