Lovely People, Horrible Leaders

Lovely people, Horrible leaders

Departing BiH HR Valentin Inzko, at the brink of leaving his position last summer, imposed the Law against genocide denial and glorification of war criminals to end the shameful practices in this regard. OK, it wasn’t the best timing ever and one can also discuss whether this was the best pick, given the needs the County is in. Personally, I would have left the use of Bonn Powers to the successor and in a different direction that is even more urgent. How about pushing through the Law on Conflict of Interests, with the proposed amendments, coming from the International partners that was rudely torpedoed by BiH politicians? Anyway, to brutalize the entire Country into an unprecedented crisis, making it plunge into the abyss even deeper than it already is, as a reflex on Inzko’s Law, cannot be understood rationally. ?

The taxi drivers, the waiters, the workers in the shops and the people in the streets that I have met all agree that systemic corruption is the major problem in BiH; the higher you get, the worse it is, they all tell me. According to these sources, none of the higher ranked public persons will survive a thorough examination that would verify the legality of their assets. And they are not the only – although to me very reliable – sources. We could build a second Bridge on the Drina with all the reports that confirm this assessment.

Could that be the reason for the persistence of politicians, in keeping the political agenda limited to what the people do not see as a major concern? The constant talk in conspiracy theories about who is trying to take power over who, that grossly generalises people from Bosniak, Croat and Serb origin as if these people come from three different planets and each and every one of them is identically programmed to - above all - pursue dominance over the other two? That’s not what I hear in the streets, not in Mostar, not in Sarajevo and not in Banja Luka. There, people tell me that they have had enough of being pushed back into the emotions from wartime; they want to go on, living together. People are fed up with the aggressive, nationalistic outbursts and beating on the drums of war by politicians that reduce them to being stereotype, ‘copy paced’, non-individuals.?They proudly bring to attention that in their personal lives, this stupid division that denies their human nature, plays no role and they all bring forward the proof by pointing out how they all are intertwined. They all agree that those who do not deserve the title of leaders, are not interested in?the reasons for the younger Bosnians from all parts of BiH to leave the Country to find a chance to get a better life.

The Bosnian people I met, are desperate about the shameless diverting tactics of politicians who will do anything to cover up their failure in making a functioning State. We do not hear them talk about improving the economy, provide primary needs to every citizen for affordable prices, creation of jobs, etcetera. Decent leadership that unites and shows some perspective is far away.

In my world, which is the HJPC, that is governing the Judiciary at National level, those who are occupied with covering up their own failure and filling their pockets, have a wonderful arena in which the power game is played. In the year and a half that I had the honour to work together with this Council, I have noticed how deeply this institution, that was designed to be an independent actor, is part of the game that is paralyzing its performances. The HJPC is one of the favourite scapegoats of politicians who forget that their interference into the judiciary is the main obstructor in further achievement of progress.?

It is not in the interest of the present Heads of the Families ?to have a functioning Judiciary at State level and they will keep on frustrating the process of emancipation in which it is struggling itself forward. Even my proposal in the last December session of the HJPC – to express concern about the proposals to abolish the HJPC - ?did not even make it to be discussed. External pressure and internal resistance made it disappear from the agenda. A lot of noise, most of all coming from – of all people! - the previous President of the HJPC, who ever since he was send away, shows his true objective. Cynical to experience that the man who for several years was responsible for making the HJPC a success, unmasks himself as the leading partisan, striving for its dissolution. ?

I call upon all professionals in the BiH Judicial society to stand by the HJPC that is fighting for its life in the interest of the people of BiH. President Lagumdzija showed last week not to walk away from confrontation with the destructive powers by warning for the devastating effects of abolishment of the HJPC. He, the staff and most of the other Council Members are determined to show the endurance it takes to improve the functioning of the Judiciary. Together with international partners the HJPC is going forward step by step. Be sure that the dissolution of the HJPC would mean a giant step back. It would strike out everything this institution since 2004 gradually achieved, in spite of the constant attacks from those that will not survive the day when the justice system is mature enough to go after them.

How to go on? I hope that the Bosnian people will next year make a change in the elections according to what they tell me all the time. Please, make it as clear on the ballots as you do when talking to me and send them away! Remember Albert Einstein? He learned us that if you have a problem, you cannot solve it by using the same people that caused it. The will of the people is the only force that can make a change.?

Lidija P.

ervaren C1 tolk en vertaalster Servisch, Kroatisch, Bosnisch en Engels in combinatie met Nederlands, docente

3 年

Wat een ( triest) verhaal. Helaas brengen de verkiezingen zelden een oplossing. Mensen zijn murw en de jonge mensen zoeken hun toekomst ergens anders op. Balkan is nog steeds in transitie. Een verandering zal nog een tijd wegblijven. Jonge mensen zijn de toekomst.



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