For the love of Water

For the love of Water

For the love of water – World Water Day 2016

Creating access to clean water might very well be the most powerful way to improve the world for all of us… and it does not have to be hard – You can make a difference, right here, right now

$50 serves 100 people with clean water for a decade.

How many do you want to support today?  Donate here


For as long as I can remember I’ve felt drawn to water.

Growing up in the most southern tip of Sweden – Sk?ne – I was literally surrounded by water… not to mention all the water in air – dampness, mist, fog – and all the water down pouring – rain – some 190+ days of the year.

I always took water for granted.

Well-built housing would keep the water out when it wasn’t wanted and top-notch water pipes made sure it was always accessible when needed.

As a privileged child of the first world, I traveled a lot to other countries from an early age. We tend to do that in Europe, where a whole different culture can be accessed in less than an hour.

And I would see that water, especially “clean” water wasn’t necessary as easily accessible everywhere. I would learn the hard way how sensitive the human body can be to less clean water. I would see the effects in the places I visited.

It bothered me. But it also felt incredibly overwhelming… what could I do?

This last month I’ve been involved in a campaign, co-founded by my dear friends Spryte Loriano and Jane Brinton. The mission is for 100 women, who have clean water, to come together to bring clean water to those lacking it. The goal is the serve one million people with clean water for 10 years or more.

I love the simplicity of this campaign. It is easy down to earth mathematics - one donation, one filter at the time. It’s easy, everyone can make a difference, with very little means.

100% of the money we raise goes to buying filtering systems and distributing them with the help of Waves4Water, who are already present in more than 70 countries.

One filter costs only $50 and it will provide 100 people with clean water for a decade or possibly longer.

I find that mind blowing!

If I skip one cup a coffee form the local coffee shop once per year, for 10 years… I can provide clean water for 100 people. One cup each YEAR!

If I refrain from buying those really neat shoes, skip a dinner or two at a fancy restaurant, have a little fewer massages or any other of the first world luxuries I take for granted… I can support a whole village with clean water – for 10 years. ($500 = 10 filters = 1000 people).

Why wouldn’t I – or everyone - want to do that?

But I get it.

There are thousands of great causes out there. They all want – need – our money. They all have great arguments. They are all equally valuable and important.

I get it.

Still, I have to go no further than myself.

There are so many requests, so much need… sometimes it’s just easier to not pick any… or feel that I make so much difference with my own work already… or, or or.

It can also be hard to know if my money will actually go where they say?

I get it.

Whatever choice we’re making, it is ok. We are free to express as we wish in our individual ways. There is no guilt or shame being laid here.


Today is World Water Day… the official end date of our campaign.

(Don’t let that stop you tomorrow, or when you happen to read this article… whatever comes in, whenever it comes in, will go to water filters and their distribution)

If your heart sings for the opportunity to share the gift of clean water, there is still time… we would love your support!

You can donate here at my personal fundraising page

Or you can pick any of the other teams here… it all goes to the same cause

Whatever your choice - thank you for being an expression of light in this world, in your own personal way.

With love and gratitude

Eva Charlotte


Water facts

  • Only 0.5% of the world's water resources are available to provide for the freshwater needs of our planet's ecosystem and population. Water is not distributed evenly around the globe. Less than 10 countries possess 60% of the world's available freshwater supply.
  • 8 billion people(1)still lack access to fresh water supply and 2.5 billion people need improved sanitation. Since 1940 the world's water use has quadrupled whilst the world's population has only doubled.
  • In 60% of the European cities with more than 100,000 people, groundwater is being used much faster than it can be replenished. At the same time, aging water networks systems waste more than 40% of water supply through leaks and cracks.


Everyone understands that water is essential to life. But many are only just now beginning to realize how essential it is to everything in life – health, food, energy, transportation, nature, leisure, and virtually all the products used on a daily basis.


Water is essential to health and social and economic development

  • Over 5,000 children die each day due to dirty water or poor hygiene
  • Half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering water borne diseases
  • Water-related diseases kill one child every 15 seconds
  • 1 Dollar invested in water/sanitation returns in 8 Dollars of economic growth


Water is essential to feed the world

  • 70% of the world's water resources are needed for food production!
  • Producing food for the increasing world population will require 50% more freshwater
  • Increasing competition for water and inefficient irrigation practices could constrain future food production
  • In many developing nations, irrigation accounts for over 90% of the water withdrawn. Therefore, more water-efficient irrigation technologies need to be applied.
  • The cup of coffee you may drink while reading this page required 37 gallons/140 liters of water. 40/95 gallons/15.500 liters of water is needed to produce one kg of beef


Water is essential for agriculture and industry

  • Water is used to make every product on Earth. Therefore, all businesses and all business sectors depend on it in some way.
  • After agriculture, industry is the second largest user of water. However, the amount of water used varies widely from one type of industry to another
  • Water, energy and food are intrinsically linked: water is needed to produce energy; energy is needed to deliver the water needed for food production.







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