Love, the universal language.
Song of Solomon 1.1-7 (GOD’S WORD Translation version "GW")
1 The most beautiful song of Solomon.
[Bride] 2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. Your expressions of love are better than wine, 3 better than the fragrance of cologne.(Cologne should be named after you.) No wonder the young women love you! 4 Take me with you. Let’s run away. The king has brought me into his private rooms.
[The chorus of young women] We will celebrate and rejoice with you. We will praise your expressions of love more than wine. How right it is that the young women love you!
[Bride] 5 Young women of Jerusalem, I am dark and lovely like Kedar’s tents, like Solomon’s curtains. 6 Stop staring at me because I am so dark. The sun has tanned me. My brothers were angry with me. They made me the caretaker of the vineyards. I have not even taken care of my own vineyard. 7 Please tell me, you whom I love, where do you graze your flock? Where does your flock lie down at noon? Tell me, or I will be considered a prostitute wandering among the flocks of your companions.
MEDITATION: Love is the most beautiful emotional expression that the Lord created for human beings; many express it in daily decisions with self-denial and total surrender to the other person or to God, others express it with letters and poems with crimson ink of the heart spilling passion and purity in their words, and there are some who just keep silent and enjoy the love with sweet velvety caresses that uncontrol the senses and fall in love without eloquence ... This is how the marriage relationship ordered by God enjoys in all its facets the greatest expression of feelings created by the Best Designer of all time: Jesus Christ. With decisions, words and subtleties God shows us that Love is designed so that all human beings express it unconditionally to others. The summary of the whole law is Love.
In this song King Solomon recounts the love poem he lives with his wife and they sequentially exchange the way they look and make each other desirable. On this occasion the beloved sings, she expresses her desire to feel the love of her beloved and how desirable he is to her; In turn, she describes herself as a beautiful woman but a little neglected due to her work and insists on being under the shelter of her beloved because she does not want to be looking for him secretly without need. Love gives it all without asking for anything in return but expects retribution for its exclusive dedication.
The love we express to the Lord Jesus as a sign of gratitude for his majestic work on the cross of Calvary demands absolute exclusivity and purity in the heart. God the Father presented Jesus Christ not only as the Redeemer and Savior of the world but also named him the Bridegroom of the Body of Believers who worships him here on earth from the beginning of creation. Jesus Christ and the Church of the Lord exemplify the characters of this song too.
MY PRAYER: Beloved Father, I thank you because your love has no limits and for showing me through Jesus on the cross that left comfort, reign and life aside to give me security, salvation and eternal life. Thank you, I give you for my wife and for her unique and exclusive love. I pray in the name of Jesus, that every day you help me to show my love for you without measures, continue to teach me love through your word and be the Holy Spirit helping me to get rid of everything that moves me away from you, amen.