In love with Traps and Lie
Sunil Verghese, PCC-ICF
Executive Coach at EZRA | SHRM Master Facilitator | LHH Leadership Coach | Persolkelly Coach | Group Coaching on Leadership | Career Transition Enabler| Expert in Logic and Contextual Intelligence Coaching
Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, And the purpose of human life is to grasp as much as we can out of the infinitude. A.N Whitehead
Many People mistakenly overestimate the role of willpower and think that nothing can happen to their minds that they do not decide and intend – Carl Jung
The wonderful part of creation by the creator has been the intelligence with which the mind has been designed (as processing processes) and not an unintelligent design that seems to be the victim of some non-veritable talkers or cults about the mind. It is a colossal lie, to tell or observe, what one ‘sees’ from their view rather than tell what was just there they saw! This clear lie statement of the interpretive action in people itself is a dichotomy, that often gets legitimized with a lie proposition named ‘Perception’. One needs to be crystal clear on the epistemology of ‘Perception’ from its scientific root rather than just being convinced by its loosely held meaning for convenience. Wherefore it is also not to be misunderstood from the ‘Real perception’ of the human mind searching for causal reasoning and on the other end of the continuum, lazy and unethical people use the same word to round off their misdoings or decisions.
The popular conception of ‘perception’ with loaded opinions of ill-developed as well as by not well-inquired minds and cults leads to telling the truthful lie to the gullible. More so, this is under the popular pretext that as humans many were being deceived by the ‘imagination of one’s mind’. Is this aspect of ‘imagination of one’s mind’ understanding true? Not at all, with no iota of truth.?The foundational truth is to move forward, in the learning of the processes of creation by our inflicted mind- on the mind and upon the mind – leading to a revelation of the Power of lies and Traps. The beauty of lie/falsehood exists in that very intention and action of a ‘Lie’ packaged expression as their ‘perception’ Vs Our ‘perception’.
Many ill-conceived wishes would jester to people with lusty views or lusty licentious spiritual advice like – ‘use a spiritual process that helps in building awareness of mind, as to what oneself is or not. That is the height of absurdity. The reality on the other side of absurdity is that one cannot control the mind, and cannot do any gimmicks of licentious lustful spiritual things.?Interestingly the truth is that the human spirit (invisible) has to have full control of the mind (an invisible organ), which is a very useful process that helps the mind to interpret the things of the world, even -the body & spirit itself. Hardly few take the cognizance to identify that the mind was created as an invisible organ to be allowed as an open channel for anything to ‘get in’ and ‘get out’, not limited to one’s imagination as output within and without. Here, as we explore, we will end up with clarifying all the melodramas projected of the mind and by the minds of the imposters – and look into identifying how to improve the function of the mind further. Given the only TRUTH and not the power of Lie, perception is a lie, but the lie is powerful.
A neo-classical easy way of illiterate thought is that the mind is faster than lightning or as a mind can travel anywhere and come back & forth, traveling around the globe, etc. Such are the figurative expressions or illustrations used by the shams in their business of lustful spiritualism, yet add the power of lie laced with the garnish of scientism. It’s a non-erudite and trite conclusion through professed narratives and stories that the mind is seeking to identify with something ‘which it is not – hence rendering that the human minds should be able to take those aspects also into the forceful self-deception- with no choice left for intelligence.??
I believe that a scientist looking at non-scientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy - Richard Feynman
So anyone outside his field of work can make dumb statements and as well within his field of work: this is the space provided by the word perception.
The lie is powerful?
Why do some shams state that one has an involuntary tendency to involuntarily wander onto with their mind identifying with that ‘some object’ which ‘they are not? The answer to this would have to be seen from the processing of thought from the mind, and not from the dysfunctional aspect of ‘a person’ as a conclusion to the functioning of the mind. Whereby this becomes another lie around the same.?Now we shall start seeing the Power of the Lie in the conclusion of something as ‘perception’?
Way Forward:
No legacy is so rich as honesty – William Shakespeare.??
The above, if used for illustration can help us more. Hence to deal with TRUTH there is a richness of honesty required which alone can provide the accuracy of perception.
It would be a grateful attitude to one’s creator if one can acknowledge that the problem to be dealt with is not about the clarity of –‘in mind’, but ‘of the mind’ -to not allowing the influence of enlivened spirit existing within human architecture upon the human mind. This process is not an effort of the mind at all, because the mind is an easy path for anything to come in and go infinitely- it’s something likened to a pipe that carries fluid from one end to another end, while flow starts interpreting; in a negative sense not knowing the truth in honesty, the convenience of ignorance allows it to be called perception. Contrary to the dysfunctional as well unethical aspect being labeled perception, the process, of the enlivened spirit, if slowly exercised, the mind will start getting equipped for change in the whole person’s thoughts and orientation.?This change in thought process helps in, to sense the higher consciousness and supports the precise interpretation by the mind influenced by the sparked intuitions. This aligns with the expression of ‘Clarity of Perception’ or ‘Perception of Reality. Resulting in moving away from the so-called powerful element of the lie being rendered as ‘perception’, but encouraging to identify with clarity of perception. The core of it is in fully processing the observed to the level of ?‘Perception of Reality is a completeness to truth while allowing a halfway processing and calling it perception, which is a lie.
Whence forth, the first identifiable aspect by mind about the mind is that it is a very lowly and subjective statement when persons speak about their perception; operating from this ill-conceived concept of mind – concluding that every person has their perception of the same thing as their conception is being to be legitimate. Hence the popular stance taken by ‘Lie’ is expressed in these kinds of thoughts - Ohh that’s your perception- ‘this is the way I perceive’. So concluding that all have their perception – interestingly does not encourage anyone to get to Reality and Legitimacy!
The lesson to be learned is - Hence try not to control it by any human efforts – which would be superfluous effort; humans have ever been trying and it is also sold well in the marketplace under various new garbs of mind power for better worldly achievements, fame, spirituality and wealth and so forth.
Hence it could also be studied further from the dubious interaction of ‘Experiencing Self’ and ‘Memory recalled Self’ leading to confusion culminating in a big and powerful Lie as ‘Perception’ by individuals; which is a flow in and out of the mind endlessly and the impact of ‘specious duration’ with causality feature becoming the real feature and not perception consciousness as popularly misrepresented.?