Love In the Time of Covid Expires for SEC ( Blog)
Bill Singer
A critic of the inept and incompetent, and an advocate for economic and political sanity. It's a lonely journey but I walk it. Wall Street legal, regulatory, and compliance veteran since 1982.
Love In the Time of Covid Expires for SEC ( Blog)
In Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera," young Florentino and Fermina fall in love, but Fermina's father isn't a big fan of his daughter's suitor, and, sadly, things don't go smoothly for the youngsters. They break up and Femina eventually marries Dr. Urbino, who dad likes a lot. Florentino professes his undying love for Femina but isn't exactly faithful. Dr. Urbino does his best to combat cholera. Sadly, there's the parrot, the tree, the ladder, and Dr. Urbino falls to his death. In the end, Florentino and Femina get back together. Trust me, Marquez does the story far more justice than the hatchet job that I just performed upon it. Speaking of time and cholera, in a recent SEC case, a federal court wasn't all that impressed during this time of Covid with the SEC's time-keeping -- or lack thereof. Yeah, I know, that's one hell of a segue!