Love in The Time of Corona - Menu Week 4
Lori Pierce
Lula's Unique, Boutique Catering options will delight your guests and clients!
Folks we're surviving this, and you can eat healthy and well during this time. THIS is a picture of our Salmon Penne. It's on the menu this week along with some other spectacular offerings - click here for the whole menu. Down below I'll tell you what I found out this week about what YOU want.
If your office or your family needs sustenance, you can’t get it from a safer place. Don't forget, it’s only me folks, THESE TWO HANDS along with my 90% isopropyl alcohol, and my bleach…and if you want, my mask, and my gloves too! If you're wondering how you can help battle this pandemic, don't worry - I'm helping for you. When you order, I make a little extra to deliver to Welcome House to help keep our homeless population healthy.
Are you climbing the walls? I can visit. I'll have a mask on but it will still be my charming personality visiting with you. :) Are you immuno-compromised? I'm happy to pick up your prescription for you. Are you in a high risk group and don't want to risk the grocery? I can help. Let me know how I can help. I’ll do everything I can to be there for you. With, in, and for love - Lula! PS - don't forget to look below and see how YOU responded!
A Note From Chef Lori
[email protected] ; 859-360-0251
Here's our LulaTuna Salad - presented Nicoise Style. I'm keeping 4 salads by the quart on my menu for next week until we come through this. You also said you liked soup all year long so I will continue to offer 2-3 soups per week. With business drastically reduced, I have to watch my inventory. What would YOU like to see offered on my weekly menus this spring? Tell me what you love, and even if I don't make it right now, I'll concoct a version just for you!! Shoot me an email - listed above. I just need a little notice to craft something unique for you. I am grateful in advance.
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