Love is a soulful connection of two

Love is a soulful connection of two

Do you know when two souls are connected? Thinking of him and his text message pops up : Two souls are connected. When you feel uneasy a whole night, your heartbeat fastens saying something’s wrong and you are unable to sleep : He cried that night. Two souls are connected. When You have nothing to contact him but you are Damn sure he'll be there by 11:25. He arrives. Two souls are connected When you are thinking does he still thinks about me at the end of the day : He constructs beautiful future and dream of it. Two souls are connected. When you don't need to repeat the things and he understands your gestures. Two souls are connected.

Love is constant, a connection with a soul is just an intense awareness of the love you feel for a specific person. We all connect one to another. But it's a good thing to distinguish such connections. For example, I love everyone because it's a command to love. But I love my wife, children, siblings, or anyone specifically special more because I have a soul connection to them. So, if what you feel is a genuine feeling for someone special, then it's a soul connection. But it's wise to distinguish Love from soul connection. Because, you might confuse the both.

More so if you believe in reincarnation then the chances are that you have had many past life experiences together previously in any number of roles. Love has no boundaries. Be sure to let her know how you feel but if you truly love her you will also be able to also let her be free, knowing that you are their for her always. A friend can be for life and beyond. If you feel a soul connection, you are feeling love, strong spiritual love. If you are feeling love, depending on the type of love it is, you may be experiencing a soul connection but it depends on the type of love, which must be strong spiritual love. You will know it by the way it feels in your heart, not your head, and not your body.

A lot of people are just feeling a common hurt from being damaged by narcotics. This is not a bond to base romantic live on- shared wounds. I think that I have been doing this my whole adult life. It is so strange. I am so blind and damaged. I have also been picking my friends this way. When we reunite with our soulmate their energy feels very comfortable and familiar to us. Our life situations may be different in this lifetime, but we still recognize their energy and the vibrations. Our soul partners have that instant connection with us. So yes, look into Akashic records and this might help you even pinpoint memories. You may even be feeling her energy and thoughts as well and this becomes a telepathic connection. People are in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

To love ourselves we need to know our relationship with God. Our fundamental relationship with God is one of service. We serve those we love. Bhakti means to practice devotional service to God. So, what we can do love the soul, i.e. ourselves, is practicing bhakti. To love oneself one needs to know one’s real identity. You can only love someone you know. Most people identity with their body and it’s culture, and people can love their body and mind, but such love, based as it is on something material, will always and without exception end in misery.

It’s like a driver in a car who loves his car. Everybody knows that the person in the car is the real lovable object. Surely, you can love your car, I used to love my car, but we all know it’s not real love. Love is an exchange between two persons, it’s not an exchange between a person and a machine. So where as we may love our car, there is no reciprocation from the car. The car is just dead matter. In matter there is no experience of love or hate or anything else.

So to really love ourselves, we need to know who we really are - the soul within. If we don’t have that spiritual knowledge, the love we have for ourselves shall remain no more real than the love we sometimes feel for our car. Spiritual knowledge is to know who we really are and our relation with God. Real love of ourselves is the love between the self and God, because we can only know ourselves when we also know God and our relationship with Him. Love for ourselves begins when we love God.

Shri Krishna says: The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. —SBg 18.61. Srila Prabhupada explains further: Arjuna was not the supreme knower, and his decision to fight or not to fight was confined to his limited discretion. Lord Krishna instructed that the individual is not all in all. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, or He Himself, Shri Krishna, the localized Super soul, sits in the heart directing the living being.

After changing bodies, the living entity forgets his past deeds, but the Super soul, as the knower of the past, present and future, remains the witness of all his activities. Therefore all the activities of living entities are directed by this Super soul. The living entity gets what he deserves and is carried by the material body which is created in the material energy under the direction of the Super soul. As soon as a living entity is placed in a particular type of body, he has to work under the spell of that bodily situation.

A person seated in a high-speed motor car goes faster than one seated in a slower car, though the living entities, the drivers, may be the same. Similarly, by the order of the Supreme Soul, material nature fashions a particular type of body to a particular type of living entity to work according to his past desires. The living entity is not independent. One should not think himself independent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The individual is always under His control. Therefore his duty is to surrender, and that is the injunction of the next verse.

She was getting marriage proposals every other day as she believed how she can get married to the person about whom she doesn’t know anything. She refused many but she got agreed to meet one person on request of her parents because her parents believed he will be best for her. She did not knew what actually soulful connection was. But all her questions were answered, when she met him for the first time. She couldn’t figured out what actually happened with her, but this was the first time when she strongly felt that connection, that immediate connection was so strong that she couldn’t stop herself from saying “Yes” for the new journey with him, even when she was finding excuses not to meet him.

With time, that bond was going deeper and deeper. Both had conversations from where she got to know, their likes, hobbies, interests, dreams, thinking all are similar. Sometimes she thought, how is this possible ? But that was happening in real because souls were already tuned into the same station. Then, time came when both started helping each other in their professional life, both created way to help out each other and this was the only thing they loved other than just being around one another, that was creating together.

In the starting phase, both were afraid to open up with each other, there were fears of judgements but in the way, they understood and respected each other, they started sharing flawlessly each and everything related to past, present, future,fears, insecurities and all the parts of their life which made them feel more comfortable, happy and started feeling like friends or family already. Both were not looking for a relationship, but it all happened suddenly, doesn’t matter how inconvenient or ill-timed it was, the most beautiful thing was both made it worked.

The thing which she loved about this relationship was she felt more inspired everyday to be the person which actual she was. He gave her freedom to live her own life, encouraged her to do those things, which she used to do even when she was single due to which she never felt that she should avoid or escape from this relationship. Whatever she dreamt of about his life partner, she got all those things in him, and she also never tried to change him as a person, she loved the person which actually he was.

He never missed any chance to make her feel special with his little efforts and in return, she tried her best to do same for him. After all these things, she realised how she was afraid to get married, but now all those fears were removed suddenly and new one was developed in place of all those, what was that? Fear of losing him and that was the most scariest thing she ever felt. And that was the best and worst thing, both brought out through this soulful connection. With all these, she became more patient, more understandable and she was loving this change in her life.

Soulful connection happens when you instantly feel connection after meeting someone special and that connection is always so strong that you can’t stop yourself from being drawn towards him or her and within days it gets stronger and deeper. Yes! I always feel a soulful connection in love from the day, when I met right person in my life as life seems more beautiful now. Love is the Soul, love is the Divine. We don't understand the meaning of love, but love is only possible when the spirit, the Soul exists.

That's why a dead person cannot love. Love is the source of happiness, it is the fountain of bliss, it is Divine love, it is from the Divine, it is the cause of us having deep yearning for our beloved. From the time we are born till the time we die, we continue to love because love is of the Soul, love is of the Divine. It is love that manifests the Soul that is within. Love belongs to the Soul and it is from one Soul to the another Soul that true love exists. Cheers!


