Is love really just a chemical reaction?
Yes it is. All of our emotions, thoughts, opinions and feelings are a bundle of chemical reactions designed to enhance our existence and better insure the survival of our species. These chemical reactions cause us to form bonds that are ultimately beneficial to our species as a whole and are at the root of our morals.
Does that make love worthless to you? It shouldn’t, but it should force you to exercise caution when you feel that tingling sensation.
You become a very different person because your brain is being flooded with dopamine, serotonin and several other chemicals. This changes your mood drastically and these same chemicals are the basic components of ALL anti depressants being prescribed today.
This chemical reaction settles down over time which is usually colloquially called when the “bloom falls from the rose” and people who say they are in love become slightly less passionate, yet don’t separate because they have found a chemical compatibility. This is how the bond that started with these chemicals becomes almost an addiction. You feel like you need each other to survive. This is a good thing, usually, as it promotes bonding that can be beneficial to our offspring and our community at large.
And yes, all opinions are the results of our neuro-chemical processes. Dismissing someone because of this is rude. Do you dismiss people because of skin color or any other thing that is distinctly out of their control?
The idea is to make the best of use of your time on earth and I fail to see how intentionally dismissing people on mass is healthy or helpful for an individual or for the society as a whole.
I find it interesting that ONE person thinks they can tell you to ignore anybody else who disagrees with them. Just a wee bit arrogant and again, it’s just another opinion until it is YOUR opinion. This is how our sentience works, it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not.
Knowing this can be very helpful, especially when you are having feelings for more than one person. Many societies try to tell you that you can only have one great love in your life, except that has never been true. We are told that love is somehow magical and wondrous and that only one person can fill that need, yet people fall in and out of love all the time. Relationships are formed and dissolved in short order, can last for years, or simply weeks, and still dissolve into nothing. In reality very few of us have only one love affair.
Society has ideals that simply do not coincide with our actual physical make up. Many societies will tell you that loving someone of the same sex is immoral or wrong and that you have a choice over who you love. You do not. You respond to the chemicals presented for better or worse. The more knowledge you have the better equipped you are to deal with the occasionally overwhelming feelings that people can and often do experience.
Knowing that depression is a chemical imbalance is somehow completely acceptable but for some reason people get upset when being told love is also a chemical imbalance. It just happens to be an imbalance we like.
I hate hypocrisy….