Love of Reading
Marnie Schneider
Founder & Author of Gameday In The USA Children's Book Series | RMH Charlotte Board & Chair Jerseys & Jewels
Growing up with a mom who was a teacher, entrepreneur, tennis dress designer, lawyer, author, philanthropist and the first and only female GM of a pro football team, Sunday's and BOOKS were a HUGE part of my routine.
As a kid on the road with a football team, waiting around and adult time before and after games, long plane rides, and sitting alone at charity events and business dinners, it was only me, and BOOKS! My Mom would always find a bookstore in every away game city for us to pick up Nancy Drew and James Michener's latest for my Grandfather, an avid reader, would always say information is currency!
Sharing the messages of books was my all access pass, and let's face it, that's what most people want! Football Freddie and Fumble the Dog GameDay was started on a plane ride home in the 80s! I began to write about what I learned during my visit around our host city and the game itself! Now, Freddie & Fumble are on bookstore shelves in many cities, which makes me happy.
I'm grateful for my personal experiences with my Mom and Grandfather and am hopeful that others enjoy sharing, learning, reading together, and knowing that they're making a difference when purchasing GameDay in the USA!