Not since Eighth Grade has there been a movie that so accurately depicts adolescent agonies...Dìdi (弟弟) is the best coming-of-age film to depict the 2000s since Lady Bird...… sure to resonate with anyone who’s ever felt out of place or had a deep longing just to feel seen...Dìdi is a heartfelt portrayal of the chaotic awkwardness of adolescence with simplicity and effectiveness. Joan Chen is the heart and soul of the film as the weary but determined matriarch...The performances are uniformly excellent. Joan Chen will break your heart as Didi’s under-appreciated mother who puts her dreams and needs on hold...The film is an absolute delight. The fabulous Joan Chen is excellent as the boy's mom...Nestled somewhere between Eighth Grade, the Oscar-nominated doc Minding the Gap and PEN15, Dìdi (弟弟) hits all the right notes of the AIM age, My Space and Motorola Razr phones for its 2008 Bay Area-set story...Sean Wang’s earnest direction and wit make DIDI stand above a plethora of coming-of-age movies with its fresh, funny, and emotionally raw approach...A Noughties soundtrack and brief touches of surrealism from a talking sea bass add extra quirk to this nostalgic, poignant and painfully funny teenage tale...Dìdi is a small wonder of a film, sensitive, playful and above all, relatable. It is, without a doubt, one of the best films of the year...Like Truffaut, Spielberg, Gerwig, and other renowned auteurs, Wang has made a deeply felt, funny film that cogently draws on his experiences as a volatile and angsty adolescent...Asian-Americans are becoming more prominent in popular culture and Didi, a semi-autobiographical tale written and directed by the Taiwanese-American film-maker Sean Wang, is insightful on racial self-loathing as well as bigotry...The advantage of Wang’s film is ultimately in particularity — the agonies and ecstasies of this kid in this culture, trying desperately to figure out who he wants to be while being cherished, in all his aggravating wonder, by the man he became...A wonderfully uncomfortable, deeply hilarious coming-of-age movie, the new film Didi plays like an extended and surprisingly welcome visit to the filmmaker’s childhood bedroom...Wang's take on the debut filmmaker rite of passage as coming-of-age story stands out by embracing how awful hormonal teens are, challenging the audience to find a way to care for this character in the same way that he needs to learn to care for himself...Dìdi’s greatest strength lies in the balance it strikes between moments of levity and gravity, often prompting waves of laughter seconds after evoking tears...A sweet, tender and funny slice-of-life with shades of Boyhood. Izaac Wang deserves to be commended for his very natural, breakthrough performance...Dìdi is a film that is incredibly in touch with emotions, even if Chris may feel utterly lost by his own...Serves as a refreshing antidote to all of those youth-patronizing movies in which kids are portrayed as hyper-confident quip machines... Sean Wang’s honest self-appraisal yields a richly detailed film...Wang reveals exceptional talent both as a director and screenwriter and has given us one of the most nuanced coming-of-age films in years...Sean Wang doesn’t flinch from the darker or more troublesome aspects of the early teen years, but he ultimately balances them expertly by handling his messy protagonist with generosity and care...


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