Love is a word that means different things to different people. So, let’s discuss my definition of love or how I see it.
I define love as encouragement, sincerity, and support rather than anything materialistic or personal. I understand that things might not be the same for you. Love, in my opinion, is not what today’s GEN Z is searching for. Yes, I occasionally am branded “old school” for my romantic views, but in this day and age, where new terms like “friend with benefits,” “situationship,” “benching”, “hookups,” and many more are coined every day, it’s acceptable to hold traditional views.
It’s okay to be in the 10% and sometimes it’s preferable to do something different than what 90% of people in this so-called society are doing. You are unique due to your behaviors and thought processes, so choose your actions carefully — every action counts. Nowadays, it seems like a job interview where the questions are things like “are you handsome?, are you wealthy?, are you well-educated?” I believe that those who perceive love as a job interview are either mentally unstable or jobless.
Lastly, I would want to say that love is not a materialistic or negotiable thing. Thus, be sure to revise your concept of love and share it.
Choose carefully since not everyone is cut out for love.