"Love" My Take On It

Today we are going to explore the interesting word ‘love.’ Many people believe that they have fallen in love when they have indeed fallen into lust. Lust is a chemical reaction that we have inside ourselves where the bonding hormone oxytocin runs through our systems telling us that we have to spend time with that person which evolution developed for procreation purposes. This is why one is always thinking about that person. However, an interesting thing happens about 18 months to 2 years into the relationship when the oxytocin stops, and all of those red flags that were there to be seen all along are finally noted.?

I would have to say that over the years my own definition of love has changed. Many years ago I would say that love was constructed of 4 components:?

Trust (no jealousy allowed)?


?Shared interests

?Chemical attraction?

Though these are indeed components of a great relationship they were missing two components that I feel are most indicative of what is missing in many relationships — those that have lost the attraction that was once there. These I learned not through a lover, but rather a person who I have come to love as a father figure because he lived these two concepts all the time — at least in his interactions with me through many years now.?

Those two concepts are that of truly caring about the other person and being interested in what they are doing. You see, there are so many relationships of all types really where people may enjoy another’s company but where there is never an interest taken in what their companion is doing. However, they never ask them about what is going on in their lives. They may say they care, but when their friend is going through a difficult time the excuses come up as to why the help is not given — and I don’t necessarily mean financial support, more emotional support being willing to be present to her friend’s problem, being willing to take that person to the airport, being willing to go with that person to the doctor if something scary is going on.?

There are a ton of ways that we can show we care some as easy as a check-in phone call to someone who is going through a difficult time. It seems to me that these days most people are in relationships for whatever they can get out of them. Maybe financial security, maybe sexual pleasure, maybe a built-in person to do things with. But, truly — how many people actually are deeply are interested in what this friend or partner is doing, thinking, or feeling? And, how many are truly caring enough to allow the other person to even know they do care? I would suggest far too few especially after a decade or more of marriage — after the kids leave home — when the two people have come to understand that maybe that person who was once so important is a person that they don’t really know if they ever really did know them.?

When love is truly present, the relationship is easy. Conversations flow, help is given, and mutual care and interest are present. This isn’t something that needs to be manufactured — it just comes about naturally. Because, to be honest when there is love present — real love- the love is experienced as a feeling and that feeling is demonstrated in these various ways.?

If you would like to have a bit of hypnosis to help you love yourself more and thereby bringing in more loving relationships by clearing anger, letting go of stress, and some other helpful emotional strengthening processes for free go access my free gift to you. You may access it here: dawningvisions.com/freegift/


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