Love means opening your heart, not losing it.
Dr.Steve Ramsey, PhD MSc-(hon) in Med Ultrasound.RMSKS.
ACMDTT,RMSKS,ARDMS,CRGS,CRVS; Experienced , MSK, peads, small part, and vascular sonographer, Blogger. SPI and MSK online instructor . Καθηγητ?? Α’ βαθμ?δα? at Ιατρικ? Σχολ? - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki .
The soul is an integral part of each person and has a considerable influence over the physical, energetically, and spiritual bodies. Therefore, the more cleansed and whole the soul is, the healthier we are on all levels. Choose to grow spiritually, and you can become the master of your life
Unfortunately, we tend to "lose" bits and pieces of this pure energy when we get attached to people, pets, possessions, situations, or places that really move our hearts.
When we lose someone dear or separate from them, this pain starts dwelling within our chest and seems to spread through the body. It's when we begin to suffer because part of our soul leaves us for the other person. This pain is often confused with being "lovesick". But, in reality, our soul gets fractured.
This deep, disturbing feeling can lead to breaches within our energetic system. In turn,?negative energies and entities can enter and destabilize our emotional and energetic balance. Having a level of compassion and affection towards someone or getting attached to places is normal. Still, it doesn't hurt to be aware of how and why we react the way we do. Keep in mind that true love means opening your heart, not losing it.
Worshiping God , prayers and spiritual tuning will help us understand our feelings and slowly detach from trying to control every situation. That's because the universal energy provides the potential to manifest unconditional love instead of the possessive kind. Paradoxically, even toxic emotions play a small beneficial role. There has to be some sort of balance, right? Mainly, they help us learn more about ourselves and how we fit into this world.
When we raise our mental awareness and vibration, we overcome these residual emotions. And that's when Reiki can help tremendously. But, then, the whole picture and progress of that relationship should change. It can go forward harmoniously, or we'll realize that it's time to move on.
Of course, we have to work with ourselves and be patient. But having Reiki next to us is extremely valuable, and it will be much easier to overcome each obstacle. "When it comes to love and attachments, how can we heal and protect ourselves from being hurt by others?"
Once you establish an inner balance, you begin to know yourself a lot better. This is how you learn discipline and self-control. Through?prayers and worshiping God ?we can grow healthier , and we must always ask him to help us with the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and give us the peace of mind and guidance.
It's always more challenging the first time. But, remember that once you reach a state of higher awareness, you can reinstate it anytime. Your will and determination will trigger this shift. Choose to grow spiritually, and you can become the master of your life
Depression is one of the common symptoms of spirits attachment, Sure it has its own hereditarily and gentians issues and reasons but it can also be a result of spirit attachments. Sometime it comes to those not suffering from spirit attachments; depressive states result from a lack of goals or purpose in life. However, when the depression comes from spirit attachments, it is a very different story. In such cases, depression can manifest itself very intensely; a person may not even have the energy to get out of bed in the morning.
If we attract a spirit to us, it's personality will have an influence on us. Depending on how weak or strong our psyche is, the attached spirit’s influence will be either weak or strong as well.
The state of our psyche depends on whether we are dependent or completely independent and take full responsibility. The level of our courage or determination is also important. Such determined people go beyond their comfort zone, reach out to new horizons, and are influenced by spirits far less intensely.?
Spirits who have not gone into the Light, into the afterlife, have a type of personality that is afraid to leave the physical sphere for various reasons. One of the most common reasons is the fear that they will have to atone for their "sins" and judged, and this may mean that they will get into the so-called hell.
The idea of hell popularized in the past and in the world today, especially by religions, is very unfortunate and has a very negative effect on the lives of the living and the dead.
This fear causes many souls who have lost their physical bodies to desire to remain in the sphere with which they are familiar, that is, with physical life. This is inconsistent with the Universe's optimal plan for the soul. The soul should go to the Light without fear, in full confidence. When it does not do so, it opposes this optimal plan; it opposes the will of the Universe or the will of God.
Generalizing, we can say that when such a soul lives denying the divine will, it effectively lives with its back turned to God. It is afraid to look towards the Light, and that will have serious consequences, it will bring great suffering. By cutting itself off from the divine, it cuts itself off from its vitalizing power. Spirits do not receive energy at the low astral level. This means for the spirit a very low level of energy, the soul seems that it will have to die (again, after all it has just gone through the death of the physical body).
Moreover, the soul evaluates its reality very subjectively through the prism of its own negative emotions. During his or her lifetime, a person experienced negative emotions of various kinds and attracted to himself or herself such energies as irritation, anger, rage, hatred, jealousy, envy, or fear.
?If the spirit dared to go to the Light, very wise beings specially assigned to this task would help it work through these negative emotions. But because he or she does not do this, his or her own astral (emotional) body will attract him or her to the very same negative spheres of the low astral world.
The life of such a soul is, on account of the great intensity of the astral world, filled with a great deal of suffering. The soul, not leaving for the Light, decides to go to hell, which is mentioned by various religions. What many fail to realize is that this hell is created by the soul itself, it is not a place created for the expiration of "sins". The only souls who go there are those who have not had the confidence and courage to go to the Light.
Such a life of horror causes the spirit to become convinced that there is no God, and of course the devil feed them that to pull them farther from God and that there is only suffering. It becomes highly sad, pessimistic, and depressive. Moreover, on the astral level it receives no energy from any source. If such a spirit is attracted to a person this state of sadness, pessimism and depression will be transferred to the possessed person.
It does not matter here whether we have attracted to ourselves a beloved grandmother, who has not gone into the afterlife, or a completely estranged spirit full of depressive mood, which can be attracted to us if we have not had an important goal in life worth making efforts for. We also can attract to what I call the Qareens that each have in our body as a guide those Qareens entities can have a great influence in our life positively or negatively.
In both cases we will be influenced in part by the reality of the spirit, its suffering. In part because, as we explained earlier, the energies of the spirit do not come through to the possession in their full intensity, we feel only their small amount. But even the small amount of this very intense negative energy can seem like hell on earth to the living. Spend sometime alone, find yourself, read, walk, and listen to music ,and be with good positive friends.
Imagine spending a week?or even a month in a secluded part of the world, away from all distractions, and focusing your mind only on your inner values and beliefs. Every day, you would meditate or pray, walk in the woods, eat the most natural foods, and strive for some type of intense spiritual or mystical experience.
If you are religious, you might be engaging in a particular type of prayer exercise and trying to connect with God. If you are not religious, it could be meditating in silence, trying to connect to the fundamental level of the Universe. There are many different types of spiritual retreats, from traditional religious programmers to modern holistic approaches, and they usually involve intensive and immersive practices focusing on taking your mind or consciousness to an extraordinary kind of experience.
If you have ever had an intense spiritual experience, or if you are on a journey to find one, it’s possible that you have taken part in some type of spiritual retreat programme.
These programmes, and practices such as meditation or prayer more generally, can have profound effects on the individual. And this means that they can have a profound effect on the brain.
The puzzle is to figure out what produces major spiritual or enlightenment experiences, which are much more intense than our everyday experiences and whether they last a long time or only briefly – can result in a powerful personal transformation.
Based on an analysis of approximately 2,000 descriptions provided in an online survey, researcher have found that five elements seem to be common across many enlightenment experiences, whether they occur during spiritual retreats, daily meditation or prayer practices, psychedelic experiences, or even spontaneously. Along with our brain data, these elements help to create a picture of what is happening both subjectively during these experiences as well as objectively in the brain:
Enlightenment experiences are commonly considered to be the most intense experiences that a person has ever had. The sense of intensity can be associated with feelings such as love, joy or awe. A 43-year-old male study participant, who had a profoundly affecting dream following a period of meditation, stated:
I, as an un-namable but individual being, was travelling down an infinite rollercoaster like waves of pure white ecstatic light. The ecstasy was overwhelming, and rose and fell in intensity with the waves of light. The light path seemed infinitely long in both directions. The sense of the being and the light was INFINITELY MORE REAL than anything I had ever experienced.
The intensity of these experiences is likely associated with increased activity in the limbic system, the brain’s primary emotional centre. Intensity is exactly what these areas of the brain register for us as they label various thoughts and experiences as being emotionally important.
A sense of oneness or unity
During the experience, the person feels a profound sense of connectedness with the rest of humanity, God or the Universe. We have found evidence that the sense of unity is associated with a decrease of activity in the parietal lobe of the brain. The parietal lobe typically takes sensory information and helps us to create a spatial representation of the self. Thus, a decrease of activity in this area could be related to a loss of the sense of a discrete self, a blurring of the boundary between the self and the rest of the world, and ultimately a feeling of oneness or unity. Researchers have observed such decreases in the parietal lobe in our brain scan research on deep meditation.
A sense of clarity
People feel as if a veil has been lifted and that they are now seeing and understanding the world in ways they never have before. The sense of clarity, which occurs during the experience but can last long after it too, helps them to feel as if they have gained new insights into themselves and how they are to act within the world. A 37-year-old scientist said this about her experience, which occurred during a time when she had been meditating daily:
Everything in life seemed to click. I had this clarity and it was as if I was looking at life from the inside out. Despite my trepidation, this experience seemed to satisfy my proof-oriented mentality … It was almost as if my intuition from somewhere ‘deeper’ had offered some sort of direct experience that offered up proof.
An area of the brain that might be particularly related to the sense of clarity is called the thalamus, a central structure that connects various parts of the brain to each other and?could be?very important for establishing our consciousness experiences.
A sense of surrender
Most people describe enlightenment experiences as?happening to them?rather than as something that they made happen. Even individuals who go through intense meditation or spiritual retreat programmes still find that they are ultimately ‘going along for the ride’ when the experience actually happens. A 48-year-old Catholic woman described it like this:
I surrendered everything, including my faith and my salvation, and only for one reason. I loved God so much that I would truly give up everything to be connected with Him. I said ‘yes’ and, in an instant, God returned everything to me, transformed. From that day forward, a new relationship exists between God and me. It is ever present, no distance, no separation.
The sense of surrender is related to decreased activity in the frontal lobes. Frontal lobe activity normally increases during meditation or prayer because we are purposefully engaged in the practice. However, during the most intense of these experiences, we are likely to see a decrease in activity in conjunction with a loss of the sense of purposeful control.
Transformation as a result of the experience
This might occur partly as a result of the concentration aspect of spiritual retreat programmes and the persistent, intense meditation that is part of them. But the frontal lobes also regulate our emotional responses as well as help us with our overall cognition. As a person uses the frontal lobes more and more, this might help solidify the transformational aspect of enlightenment experiences.
Recognizing all of these changes leads us to consider what the best approaches might be for having such transformative experiences. Everyone can engage in a meditation or prayer practice as part of their daily routine, and many religious and spiritual people do. But another approach is to participate in a spiritual retreat programme that can last days or longer.
Ultimately, each person has to try particular practices or programmes and see how they respond. Hopefully, finding the right fit will lead to intense spiritual experiences that comprise the elements described above – including newfound feelings of oneness, clarity and surrender – and that make lasting positive changes to the brain and to one’s whole being.
Dont hate those who broke your heart, pray for them and focus on your healing.
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?Steve Ramsey, PhD. Central Alberta- Canada