Love Me
Jonathan Dunnemann
Basketball is more than a game: It's a path to balance, excellence, and transcendent personal peace.
Love me like Ivy
well-dressed around a tree.
Love me like a child
placed safely upon your knee.
Love me with the same exuberance you felt
when you finally learned to ski.
Love me on every possible level,
starting at A and ending with Z.
Love me while assuring me
that I'll never be forgotten.
Especially on those occasions
when I may succumb to hitting rock bottom.
Love me without need of explanation, and
without reservation.
Love me under all kinds of pressure,
without the slightest hesitation.
Love me without the possibility of a tomorrow, or
a due date attached to any money that I ever asked to borrow.
Love me for Pete's sake
without a quiver or a quake.
Love me like you have never loved
anyone or anything, sitting quietly beside the lake.
Love me far beyond
how I shall ever indulge in loving myself.
Once you are capable of loving me like that
I forfeit all memory of ever being treated like somebody's bath mat.
Love me completely, this is my plea
to become to you like the daily sunrise that you utterly can't wait to see.