Love Is Not A List
Jaida Pervis
Certified Matchmaker & CEO | Curating Exceptional Connections for Successful Singles Nationwide | Helping Clients Achieve Relationship Goals with a Personalized Touch
In a world filled with self-help books, dating apps, and relationship advice columns, it has become increasingly common for individuals to create lists of criteria that they believe their potential partners must meet. These lists, often referred to as "checklists for love," are intended to help people find the perfect partner. However, while having standards and preferences is entirely natural and even essential in a healthy relationship, rigid checklists can do more harm than good. Let's uncover a few reasons why you shouldn't have a list for love and how embracing a more flexible approach to dating can lead to more fulfilling and authentic relationships.
People Are Not Commodities
One of the primary problems with creating a checklist for love is that it reduces potential partners to a list of attributes and qualities. People are complex, multifaceted individuals with unique personalities, backgrounds, and experiences. Reducing them to a list of traits can oversimplify the process of getting to know someone and deprive you of the opportunity to appreciate their full complexity. Love is not about ticking boxes; it's about connecting with another person on a deeper level.
Perfection Is a Myth
No one is perfect, and expecting your potential partner to meet every item on your checklist is unrealistic. We all have flaws and imperfections, and part of the beauty of love is learning to accept and appreciate someone despite their imperfections. In fact, it's often our differences and quirks that make a relationship interesting and meaningful. Instead of seeking perfection, consider looking for compatibility and a genuine connection.
Lists Can Be Superficial
Many checklists for love include superficial criteria like physical appearance, income, or job status. While these factors can be important to some extent, they should not be the sole basis for forming a romantic connection. A person's character, values, and how they treat you and others should weigh more heavily in your decision-making process. By focusing too much on superficial criteria, you may miss out on incredible connections with individuals who do not fit your preconceived notions of what a partner should be.
Missed Opportunities
Rigid checklists can lead to missed opportunities. You might dismiss someone who doesn't meet all your criteria but possesses qualities that could make for a wonderful and fulfilling relationship. Love often surprises us when we least expect it, and being open to possibilities outside your checklist can lead to unexpected and beautiful connections.
Growth and Change
People change and evolve throughout their lives. What you may have thought was essential in a partner at one stage of your life may not hold the same importance later. Holding onto an outdated checklist can limit your ability to grow and adapt to new circumstances and possibilities.
Authenticity Matters
Being authentic in a relationship is crucial for its success. When you try to mold yourself or someone else to fit a checklist, it can lead to inauthentic connections and a lack of genuine intimacy. Instead of adhering to a rigid list, focus on being your true self and allowing your partner to do the same. Authenticity often leads to deeper, more meaningful connections.
By embracing a more flexible and open-minded approach to dating, you increase your chances of finding love that is truly meaningful and enduring. So, put away the checklist and allow yourself to be open to the beautiful and unexpected journey of love.