Love: The life-giving river of questions and answers
Gretha van der Merwe
Global Leadership and Executive Coach (MCC-ICF) | Facilitator | Trainer
How does love want to flow through me?
That was the question that made me stop, pause and listen attentively to the lecturer on the Power of Presence coaching course that I attended nearly two years ago. The question that became the one I started to live into daily since then. The question that has shaped me into surprising answers. Answers I didn’t anticipate or could even imagine the depths of learning it would bring.?
As a coach I’m curious about questions and what it means to truly listen. Both elements that are essential for an effective conversation. Whether it is a conversation at work or with your friend or loved ones. The way we hold the conversation determines the impact it has on our personal and professional lives.?
When we ask questions from a sincere place, we open ourselves up to learning. We awaken the spirit of curiosity and innocence to be surprised. Asking questions is a sacred act as it humbly acknowledges that I don’t know. I don’t have the answer but I’m courageous enough to learn. I’m willing to let go of the conditioned mind’s need to be in control.??Because the deeper knowing within, the one that lives within my body, knows that only through being vulnerable can I be mended into an answer. That only through dipping my hand into the water can I feel the nature of and sense the density or temperature as I experience the effect of it on my being. Asking a question is like stepping into a river and allowing it to unfold you as it receives you.?
Honestly listening for the answer is allowing the flow of the river to take you fully (mind, body, heart, and soul). In doing that we commit to discover the truth. Even if it means going through rough rapids that scrapes away the rigid edges of your conditioned way of doing, thinking, or feeling. Because only then do we not only listen with our ears but truly hear through the touch of life. The flow of the river leads to clarity, purification and integration. The river of life is not personal, it doesn’t sugar coat, it is loving in its caring fierceness. Responding to the curious yearning inside to learn, helps you to frame the question. Then committing to truly listen with your whole being, creates the space for the truthful answer to emerge.
What then was the answer to the question of how love want to flow through me??
Like a river, ever flowing with presence. I learned that asking a question and listening to the answer, is an act of love.?A commitment to stay open in the conversation and through that receive the gifts of life. Knowing that the answer is not the end of the river but a necessary expansion to love more. Because that is what the world needs right now. It asks of each of us to open our hearts and love those we are in conversations with. Whether it is the car guard, the person at work whom you struggle to work with, your partner or family member. To stop hiding and close down due to fear but to allow love to bring us back home to our sense of community. So that we can take up the responsibility to selflessly serve where the river of love wants to flow through us and bring about the much-needed transformation.
Life is the conversation and love the river wherein it flows.